
What? It says directly in their terms that kickstarter doesn't guarantee you'll actually get your return. I'm more shocked here that the founder of kickstarter doesn't know his own policies.

I ask for a scientific journal because I know the process that goes into it. I know for sure that all facts as presented have been thoroughly investigated to ensure they're true, and, to the highest degree possible that all data presented has been ensured to have not been falsified(I'm aware there are certain cases

Of course. They're Brits. They have to wait their turn, it's only polite.

Of note: Cajun french is not the same as what she would speak(since the french influence here comes from a *white* french father).

"and with that logic it's like saying a white person in black face playing a black person was equally valid since they were actors after all."

Your entire second paragraph flies in the face of precisely what acting is. You don't have to be a character to play them, that's kinda the whole point.

"And if one doesn't know how it is to be biracial then how can they play one?"

On the other hand, nobody would suspect a black woman in those times of being an expert, skilled assassin.

"But it probably wouldn't have cost Ubisoft anything extra to find an African-American woman or a black actress from a Francophonic background to perform Aveline's dialogue either."

Meh. I'm not interested in appeals to authority. I demand evidence before I'm willing to believe a claim, and that's especially true for one that claims to be scientific. I'm not willing to just accept an edict from on-high(hence my claim that that blog posted smacked more of religion than science).

I disagree. Acknowledge reality. If you make a great game or accomplish something amazing, then say so and, better yet, point out exactly what you did right. If you screwed up, own up to it. I think we need *fewer* people mincing their words to try to make sure they accommodate the less accomplished.

That's a blog post. I asked for a scientific paper. If you'd like, I can find a blog post that claims the opposite. Furthermore, he takes a ridiculous position: that because the pieces of the zygote were alive before conception, the zygote is not alive. The rest of it just states that it isn't human, without giving

"It's not opinion. It's scientific fact"

"Except it's not a child (or life) yet."

With a pimp cane. Yes.

And the child shouldn't have to die because of it. The right to life comes before the right to be happy.

Removing the requirements for life from an entity is still active homicide. If I place you in a room and remove the air from it, that will still be considered actively killing you, and I'll be found guilty of murder(assuming, of course, a Jury finds me guilty).

True across the board. On the other hand, requiring a private entity to provide a service against their will is tantamount to slavery. There are some cases where this is desirable(for instance, if there's a substantially high chance of another person's death and the service is one that that entity normally provides).

"We don't force people into ANY health risks for other people."

Hmm yes, I can see how focusing on the only actual right mainstream culture is considering taking away is a major problem.