
This sounds like those stories about Eve Online... only a lot less interesting.

"The key component of OnLive—streaming games hosted on servers elsewhere—worked but it was met by obstacles on nearly side."

Well, at least not the present.

Right, there's always going to be deals like that, but there's nothing to say similar bundles won't be made available for the Wii U. If anything it's extremely likely they will. Gotta compare apples to apples.

True, my main point with that was in terms of relating the Vita to the general conception that the 3DS was a complete failure in terms of sales before the price drop. If that's true, then the Vita has to be considered even more of a failure.

Worse than before the 3DS's price drop.

The 250GB XBox 360's MSRP is $300. The Arcade's is $200. So that's a $100 price premium, for which you can get a 1.5TB external.

Eh, that "hidden cost" is less than that of the 360. The lower capacity 360 is 4GB, where the Wii U comes standard with 8.

If only their music was still anywhere near as good as it was 15 years ago.

I could see it. Be level 60, go back to normal difficulty and just run straight past all the enemies that aren't required. Oh, and skip all the cutscenes. The game's pretty short, every time I play it, I get through at least one act in a sitting.

"After my third playthrough in hell difficulty, I was so fed up of the same thing that I just couldn't bear to even try Nightmare"

This also will reduce player dependency on the auction house. So, great, you can have a bot going 24/7 and get a bunch of nice gear, but that doesn't really affect anybody else's game.

What, no Renegade choice?

Western old man is TOTALLY Anthony Hopkins.

"And for the record, you don't use Metro to shut down the computer. If you'd try Windows 8, you'd know that."

"It was the fact they came to market after Apple and Google already had everything sewn up, and also the fact that the app store is pathetically lacking in comparison to the App Store and Google Play."

He's not short. His head is bent down and his legs are spread out more than Freeman and Drake. If he was standing up as straight as they were, he would be taller.

"When asked straight-up by Eurogamer if Sony plans to slash that price this year"

True, but how much of that is because of resolution and poly counts? Your PC can likely handle at least 1080p in every game, along with Direct X 11 for hardware tessellation, giving much higher polygon counts. The 360/PS3 barely manage to eke out 720p for most games, going down to 480p(upscaled) for things like CoD,