
I didn't see that... Looked like you can perform an attack at any time, regardless of what you're showing on the gamepad. Which would make sense, why shut down hard buttons arbitrarily when the screen has its own built-in interface?

Well, there is peripheral vision, which makes a world of difference between those.

Are you, by any chance, a politician? If not, I think you'd do quite well in that arena.

But what did it tease? It's literally 3 people standing around, not doing anything.

Well, it sounds like that's a separate multiplayer mode, with the main one being that you just co-exist with other people in the game world.

I mean, come on. You're really going to make a cinematic trailer with 3 generic-looking fantasy people just standing around? It's like they're trying to make this thing fail.

There's multiplayer. From the website:

"You die, and you move on to another character, losing everything you had up to that point."

I guess keep paying attention(well, there's some non-exclusives that seem interesting like AC3 and Aliens:Colonial Marines). They said there'll be a lot more games announced today and tomorrow on the floor.

I don't think it's meant to be story driven. It's radically different from what I typically expect from games like this, but it seems a lot more true to survival horror and stuff like this seems like it'd serve to add to that feeling. If you don't survive, tough. Your character only gets one life, just like in the

Dance Magic, Dance.

This game really does look amazing. I didn't really pay attention much during the presentation, since it looked like yet another zombie game, but looking through the features, it actually brings some interesting things to the table(example: if you get killed you start as a completely new character and have to fight

They announced a game just for people who want what you seem to want: Zombi-U.

Platinum is developing it, but it's published by Nintendo. This is a 2nd party game, similar to Metroid: Other M

Well, Holiday season typically means it'll sell by xmas. Also, saying "this year" implies... well... this year. So 2012.

If Non-Specific Action Figure isn't one of the playable characters in this game, I'm gonna rage.

In fairness, they did spend time with ZombiU, which looks pretty neat.

Well, no, at least for Batman:AC they said it's a launch game, so holiday season this year.

Well, and ZombiU, a legitimate "hardcore" 3rd party exclusive that looks interesting.