
Nothing screams “keep politics out of sports” like whining to the president about your sports book.

Because women have been groomed to take the insults and not walk away.  If we walk away, then we’re cowards and “can’t take the heat” or “can’t take a joke.”  Even if we win by staying, we still lose.   

Nah, he/she’s right

Fuck that shithead. Fuck youtubers. Fuck social media. Fuck the culturally corrupt country.

fuck that. film the cops regardless.

Correct.  You have the board.

This, so much this!

I hate that so many games to properly support 21:9 still. It’s one of the best ways to see a game in action.



To be fair, the focus of his ads is to reach his home market, and that alone is an upstream battle.

Very simple, the Sixers have standards, and the American electorate (and the Republican party) is full of idiots.

if you tell your wife confidential information about a health screen for a pro basketball player and she anonymously posts it on twitter, you get fired.

Now playing

Unfortunately, it was a necessary sacrifice for the sake of realism. Because, as we all know, money can’t buy knives:

The majority of people upset over the “disrespect” shown by not standing for the anthem also proudly fly the Confederate flag next to the Stars and Stripes.... So let’s grade their anger on the idiotic curve it deserves.

ooooof :(

Don’t know how old the kid is, but he appears to be a great prospect already. A spitting image of a young Lou Gehrig.

When you see a Drew Magary post and then realize its a Deadcast.