
A major one.

Which aerospace and defense contractor do you work for?

Now playing

Boeing sent this video in response to inquires about the canopy falling off.

A bit of Armour, a turret mounted gun and you’ve got yerself an Urban Assault Vehicle! (I’ve been waiting years to say this).

I’m 50; yesterday I got a hip pointer from jumping to a conclusion.

To be fair, a good portion of people in the country don’t seem to know what happened during the Civil War, what it was about, who won, or that it’s over.

what’s that... bah gawd, it’s Schnelly’s music!

The Ferrari 550 Maranello from The Family Man

The Lebaron from Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

Just FYI, when I get back to my computer from the bus stop I’m gonna ban everyone who came here to defend this doofus. Thanks.

The real star of the story is this Oklahomie droppin’ the devastating “too slow” on the ejected Lopez.

What a sad little corner of an ignorant world you must live in. You’re either the saddest representation of the very worst we’re capable of or a feckless troll.

I’d configure it into a dumpster, because it’s pretty ugly.

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

...the same year’s decidedly shittier MCU entry, Thor...

Definitely do not trade anything, especially US dollars, for a Dodge Journey!

If you grew up in Oklahoma, you’re a Thunder fan. Even if you left before they moved from Seattle. I don’t know what it is about this state. The same people who couldn’t wait to leave it will never let you forget that they’re from there.