
A Møøse once bit my sister. 

that was the best part of last weeks episode, man i love that show haha

MODERATOR: “Oh, you meant to call into Mike Leach’s press conference. Let me redirect you right now.”

“Hey, Coach Mike. Long time, first time. Love what you’ve done with the team. My question is a little complicated....
There are sidewalks in the Cars movies. That seems to imply there are humans in that universe. What are the implications of that? I’ll take my answer off the air.

I think this whole ‘ONE OF ONLY XXX’ train of thought makes people forget what they’re selling. Sure, the turd I dropped this morning is also a 1 of 1, but its still a turd.

He did win Overly Defensive Player of the Year, though.

And you didn’t even mention Wendy’s

Good god, y’all.  What is it good for?

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Apropos of Top Fuel cars, this Popular Mechanics How D’they Do That? is a really good look into their workings.

I love this Z. I’m a purist, but nothing wrong when a fellow Zed Head builds his car to his wildest dreams.

Ed Orgeron, postgame

I was a big fan of that team when Kathy Ireland was their kicker.

For the rest of us, there’s always Hot Wheels... I much prefer the Series I 1962-63 bodywork to the Series II 1964 250LM-derived one, I’m picky...

Well the way you go silent and slow now is to is to just power a deep see glider with an RTG. If you want to really, really fuck with the world, you use the gliders to plant super low yield nukes near undersea comms cables.

Sonos Soundbar, amazing sound and it fills a room but it’s the Sonos software that makes it amazing, being able to walk into your home and just touch or say one thing to start music everywhere is great.

Sonos Soundbar, amazing sound and it fills a room but it’s the Sonos software that makes it amazing, being able to

Sonos Playbase - $699 and worth every penny. Besides having far better sound quality (especially bass) than regular bars, it makes a great TV stand and essentially disappears from view. It is great for TV sound and also excellent for music (not replacing a dedicated sound system, of course, but for listening while you

Sonos Playbase - $699 and worth every penny. Besides having far better sound quality (especially bass) than regular

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Much like swamp castles and bowls of porridge, the first two were cack! But Supervan 3 was just right…