The Jeep Cherokee XJ hung on to them until 1996.
The Jeep Cherokee XJ hung on to them until 1996.
That would be a handy cover, I’ll leave it to the guy I replied to though. (more likely it’s that people don’t know that Abu Dhabi and Dubai are apart of the same country, which isn’t Qatar)
Where’s Leonard from? “...a little town called, ‘Noneofyourgoddamnbidness’”.
I want to travel back in time with my trusty hand sanitizer...
Mike Johnston was/is a friend of mine, a fellow passionate aviator, and a great pilot/instructor. He freely offered help when needed, and was always there even when all he could do was offer friendly advice. He was a great guy to have around the airport, always in his unassuming Ford ranger, taking care of some sort…
The Nazi stuff reminds me of my favorite story of racist war spoils: in the civil war, Minnesota sent one of if not the first (don’t recall my history too well) battalions to go fight. They were pretty good, and ended up capturing the Virginia state house, and taking its racist confederate flag. Fast forward a century…
Bills fans are amazing in that they’re long suffering and yet I don’t think they’ve suffered nearly enough.
does she realize that she should pull her pants down first?
This is not the tea bagging you are looking for.
*as my mom pulls me by the ear to stand in front of you* I’m sorry that I OW, mom, I’m sorry that I did not respect your disease and that I wasn’t funny
I preferred “Rudy was offsides”
Hello everyone, and welcome to Letters to Doug, your weekly Jalopnik column wherein someone submits a letter to…