#1 avoid non advice :)
To be fair, in an active shooting situation prudence and caution are important. I don't think I would wantonly send my officers into a situation that seems implausible: "Hey, I escaped from the store where people are being killed, but I've saved others in the basement. Come and rescue them right now" likely requires…
you're only responsible until you make a mistake. And most of you will make a mistake. It may not end up this badly but you will make a mistake.
Law-abiding gun owners. Responsible gun owners. Centaurs with golden colons. Mermaids with emerald sphyncters.
Yes, children are often good investments - eventually you can give them chores (and pay far less than you'd pay anyone else to do the same job)...and hopefully, if the pay isn't too far below market wage, they'll even take care of you when you get old.
This thread ended up exactly where I wanted it to end up.
Agreed. When I moved away from home 8 years ago, I bought a paid and haven't paid for a hair cut... Two cuts later and I already realized the cost savings.
$ $ $ $ $ $
Agreed 100%. I've been cutting my own hair with clippers like those for almost 10 years now, and have yet to actually mess it up. I'm not talking just a pain buzz-cut either, with different sized guards, I can cut a proper fade and give it some natural looking texture. Practice makes perfect, but it's really not…
Yeah I've never met a cat or dog that wouldn't be absolutely terrified to have something that loud behind them ripping at their fur.
You hold the cat by the back of the neck, like a mother cat would. It makes them go limp. My roommate had a cat and her fur was everywhere. I drugged her with Benadryl, had nearly two bottles of wine, and still ended up with a half-shaven cat. Then I learned this trick and it worked every single time.
Haha, yeah, my other cat would probably run for her life. But Rudy is pretty laid back—she just sits there while I do it. Once most of her coat is shaved, she starts rolling around on the ground and purring. Odd cat, that one. But I'm not complaining!
I'm actually curious about how she gets the cat to sit still long enough to use the buzzer on it. My cat would be heading for the hills if I got a buzzer even in the same room with it.
Can you think of a better gift for a cat?