Is that Chris’s blood?
Is that Chris’s blood?
It really bothers me the way people get sucked into the meta-narrative of a games development.
yes they are, by a boat load.
The debate was spur of the moment, thinking on his feet with no time to apply a coating of bullshit to his viewpoints. Here he had time to prepare and cover the nastier parts of his views with the appropriate doublespeak.
Another point: after 10 hours of play I can honestly say this is a super overreaction. By and large the animations are serviceable with only a handful of extremely minor NPCs suffering from very poorly done animations.
Any sources? I have read every book he has ever published, and I also watched my share of interviews and other media that is related to Dawkins. I may be biased here [who isn’t?], but I never stumbled upon anything that you have said. Sure he has a very controversial book, namely God Delusion, but those things that he…
But he honestly earned this attitude and I am pretty hppy that people like him still exist and that he does not shy away on saying his opinion.
Good ol’ Murrica, where the human body is a terrible thing - unless you are dismembering it. Then its all good.
Yeah, except in 2017's reality, if you don’t punch the “Nazi,” you’re not getting shot at by them. The vilest attitude in the entire exchange is the one that implies you get to do whatever you want to someone else so long as you dump them in the right category.
I’m sure Fox News and Brietbart will get right on that...
First of all, I’m not stupid enough to think that anti-semitism had disappeared from the earth. This was a very visible crime, probably committed because of the current political climate. The fact that anyone would do this, on this scale, and believe they could get away with it is what shocks me.
Never forget.
Now imagine the effect its having on trump. He’s cracking under the pressure. Its only been a month and trump is more unhinged than ever.
I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.
I’m REALLY enjoying this, and would enjoy it even more if it wasn’t a necessary measure to preserve and protect the country from its own executive. But setting that horror aside for a moment, I am SO relieved that serious people are still on the case.
As long as this group controls state legislatures, this will continue far into the future. We can win a national election (Obama) but still lose the country (6 years of infantile obstructionism and racism). People don’t seem to understand that the real power lies at the local and state level. Those are the places were…