God, I cannot fucking wait for the behind the scenes scuttlebutt on exactly how this design of all designs was the one that made it to market.
God, I cannot fucking wait for the behind the scenes scuttlebutt on exactly how this design of all designs was the one that made it to market.
The lack of Gears 5's act 2 is fucking criminal. Let’s see:
I’d argue that it reflects extremely poorly on games journalism that Cyberpunk’s scores were so high.
And you just know that Miller left his discarded carapaces lying all over the place after each molt.
Melania won’t divorce him. After all, they cannot arrest a husband and wife for the same crime.
I’d appreciate a head to head compariosn of load times between the new consoles because the figures presented seperately don’t make much sense.
How does it taste?
I love how derisive the sony guy in the video is about websearching for hints while just glossing over the fact that they are paygating a hint feature.
They gave the tie interceptor missiles.
Has anyone else noticed that he seems to have difficulty moving his arms? This is a guy who geticulates wildly when he talks but all of his arm movements have been stiff and downright understated. It looks like he physically cant’t raise them above his head without extreme effort.
You cannot infect a disease.
That’s it?
Bold of you to assume he’d stop the rallies.
There’s also the issue where the new model looks a good 10 years younger than the character. He’s supposed to be a spider-man 8 years into his career. Now he looks younger than miles. The reaosn tom holland worked as well as he did for a young peter parker was because he is a babyface.
So now you have a spider-man who…
IIRC most of that space is reserved for suspend and resume. So it may be that the S simply reserves less. When they demo the feature on the S, they cap out at 4, whereas the x appears to cap out at 6
Translation: anything that can be ported to switch will be.
Roll, you fucking egg!
It really feels like the DE was the form factor they wanted but they found out they could not fit a disc drive in there and still be able to prevent the thing from catching fire. Taht weird tumour on the side of the main version just screams ‘last minute addition’
Day’s still young.
It’s 20 dollars more for something that would be free on xbox.