
@rnoyfb: So then the first charge is instantly bullshit because a broken condom is not withdrawn consent but rather failure of the condom. Sure, you can claim that it could be his fault for having outdated condoms but is that a matter for the courts? I'm going to assume not.

@TomXP411: Actually he's right, there are Jews who are anti-Zion, there is a distinction. However, my point is that people who identify as anti-Zion usually do it on religious grounds and if you are not yourself a Jew then you are using your own religion to discriminate against another.

@jma89: Makes much more sense, thank you for that. I can definitely see the challenges involved in this kind of thing, going to be interesting to see if it pans out,

@Jose Mir: It's very easy to conflate, either by reporters or the people themselves, but I don't really think Jesus is out of line here. To say that the anti-Zion position taken by the Iranian leadership does not manifest as bigotry against Jews in general is almost certainly untrue. Whether it's because of Israel or

@tensai: Yes, it's real. It was a plot of trees planted on one of Hitler's birthdays either slightly before or during WWII. The leaves on that particular type of tree turn before the surrounding forest making the swastika visible for a short time. It was cut down not too long ago, from what I recall it was fairly well

@jma89: If that's the case (And I'm being sincere, I'm not the most knowledgeable about programming) then how is that going to stop what the government is doing to offending websites? Are they just redirecting DNS requests or are they taking down servers? If they are just redirecting DNS requests then how can they

@minibeardeath: As far as just getting one, big, amorphous tracker that can not be taken offline this will do just fine. The bandwidth of hosting the small .torrent files is not much, the files themselves are tiny. All it takes is a few decent connections as main hubs, people who set a box aside with the specific

@phunkypho: Flying on an airplane is not a right, no, but the 4th amendment is and that does not get put on pause just because I am getting on a plane. The TSA has no right to treat us all like criminals until proven otherwise, that is entirely against what we are founded on and the amount of time and money wasted on

@AllegedHacker: Resisting allowing people to dissolve your rights in the name of absolute safety that can never be attained is not on the list of shit that actually matters? I'd hate to see your list.

If President Obama had any balls he'd dismantle the 'Department of Homeland Security' and write it off as ridiculous hysteria that we should have gotten over by this point. It was an over-reaction to a bad event that has made this entire country into a bunch of cowering pussies over the last decade. The entire

A friend of mine who runs (Unfortunately it may turn into RAN soon, he's not very business savvy) an internet cafe around here who did the same thing. He would offer a 'digital locker' to paying customers where he'd let people store files they wanted backed up, mostly for the people who would write their papers and

@metronome49: Apple isn't advertising their computers as much because the iPhone and iPad are a larger portion of their money now. It paints them in a better light to just present the product as what it is and go from there.

@rickstone: I agree completely. I adore HTC and Motorola but Samsung seems to make really cheap feeling hardware and their Touchwiz overlay doesn't win them any more love from me.

I'm reserving judgment until I see what a custom ROM does to it, most of the slow down is no doubt caused by the unneeded bullshit Samsung included in their overlay. This running CyanogenMod would be an interesting device though still not worth the price of admission.

... Why wasn't this posted a while back? I would have made this.

And if it appears on Verizon I am looking for prospective buyers for a slightly used, heavily modified Droid 2.

I tried it but it's pretty awful to be honest. Nothing here is all that useful if you have powerstrip and long press on the homekey.

Let me take a moment to plug Team DeFuse's ROM for the Droid 2 and Droid X, Fission. It's the best thing you can use without the bootloader cracked.

@Kaiser Acore: The same would have been said about Motorola a year ago, in fact it was... Constantly... On this site. I'm not saying it's going to happen or even that I would care one way or the other, all I am saying is there's a chance.

Aren't they planning their own Playstation integration in Android 3.0? If that takes off and they make a PSPhone (See what I did there? I'm hi-larious) it could completely reinvirgorate them as the Droid did to Motorola.