
@numo16: It has not been exploited. There is a difference between a ROM and a kernel. The Bootloader does not allow you to change the kernel meaning you are stuck on whatever the current version of Android is without any 'skin deep' changes like overclocking or added modules. What that means is while yes, we can

Now that doesn't make any fucking sense. Google and HTC both know this phone is going to be heavily sought after by the mod community because it runs stock Android, why would you spit in their face for then trying to modify it? I mean yes, you do get the advantage of quick turn around because of no modifications

Now playing

@cruzer555: Looks thicker than my Droid 2 actually though I won't argue the bezel too much. I still like it better than the original Droid, that bit sticking off the end seemed unnecessary.

That's really gross. With the rumor mill swirling that the Droid Pro was a Droid 2 with a SIM slot and possibly a slight bump up in specs I was having a small bit of buyers remorse about my Droid 2 but not anymore.

I had a friend who made one of these and his biggest complaints were 1) the smell of the oil and 2) it gets murky after awhile and that got him nervous. He got rid of the rocks he had at the bottom and switched out the oil and it stayed clear much longer.

@Michael Hayes: Why would you not want the bubbles? I'd add more fans.

@ps61318: ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE.... Graphene matrix....

@SewerShark: In the strictest sense yes it does but when dealing with practical applications for it you're essentially creating a sheet that has no significant height.

@Fossa: I suck at chemistry and even I realized that. It's really not that hard to comprehend if you know how atoms bound, I mean seriously the amount of ignorance in this comments is staggering.

@echo off: You do realize that one single ring is 5 atoms and that two rings bond at the open site, correct? Thus the smallest stable unit is a 10 atom double hexagon.

@guitarherozer0: It's aiming to be an MMO focused device. Most MMO's are not going to run on it without WINE emulation, something I doubt anyone but the mod-community will have. They could make deals but if they aren't working on it now it's going to be a still born.

@leGodt: My location is none of law enforcements business, even if I am doing nothing wrong. If I were to find this on my car you know damn well it would be coming off. I have nothing I do that I am afraid would be seen as incriminating but that is not the point. I have rights and I will exercise them. I suggest

@guitarherozer0: Obviously that's not going to be the easiest thing but is making it a Linux based system any easier? I don't believe so.

How about instead they try to develop some top of the line remote access like OnLive to do this? To try to make everything work straight on the device is going to drive up cost and limit what it can do. If you could stream from your PC you'd have so many more options here.

@stone632: Because I was told ammonia wash would bring up all the information I could need and yet it didn't. Chlorine is not ammonia. The implications of each are entirely different, chlorine is not nearly as dangerous as ammonia for human consumption. So if you are going to lobby the complaint get it right and

@warkrismagic: Check again. You probably have a voice and text plan along with the data, he only had a voice and data plan. I'm not going to try to be mean but he seriously should have read the fine print, though I understand the frustration.

@MJDeviant: I have to say I'd rather keep getting screwed then give up my Droid, that's just wrong.

@twophrasebark: Give me the exact search, give me some exact links. All I found was the same thing over and over and over and it was this exact picture and copy/pasted words.

@twophrasebark: I just searched 'chicken ammonia' and there isn't a damn thing about it besides articles referencing this one. The only other references to ammonia I see are in regards to all the ammonia coming from chicken shit.