Manly McBeeferton

ODST is one of my favorite campaigns in the whole series, and definitely my favorite soundtrack.

Some of THE best scores in video games. ODST soundtrack is a masterpiece.

Considering O'Donnell's score was pretty much the only thing I loved about the Halo series, this was a dumbass decision on Bungees part. The man makes beautiful music.

Correction: He worked on 5 Halo games. 1, 2, 3, ODST, and Reach.

Thats what a good composer does.

Was watching a Halo 2 clip just yesterday...

I'd have to agree that Halo progressively (In some ways) got worse as it evolved. I remember playing CE for the original Xbox and loving it. Beat it on the hardest difficulty, just absolutely wrecked the game in SP and Co-Op respectively. Halo 2 I did the same with, played a bit of MP but never got drawn in to the

Before Chrome I used Firefox, because of course Firefox is far better than IE. When Chrome came out, I gave it a shot and in about five minutes I decided to uninstall Firefox and never looked back. There are three main things that I prefer about Chrome over Firefox:

The hacker also revealed two new types of Vivillion, MegaLatios and MegaLatias, as well as AZ's Floette.

Till you're not afraid anymore.

Been a long time since I actually commented, but let me try to explain with an EE background. I may be wrong in certain cases, so feel free to correct me.

Had to get on last shot in, ehh Al.

How I got this and why I laughed are both clear cut evidence that Fiancés can get their men to watch just about anything.

Im from Peru and these ads are everywhere. I sincerely dunno how you americans take it but form our point of view it's satire at its best. Love related jokes, puns and insults are pretty common here; no one really takes it as escapism but as what a close friend would joke about when you get together.

Would Bully count? That's a Rockstar game based in a school where you can beat up other kids. Does it not count because its generally child on child violence? Also, I believe in The Walking Dead game, one of the character's son can get eaten and it'll affect the way they work with you down the line.

But parenting is hard and Judge Judy is on

I don't remember kids being in GTA IV either. Maybe Headline News got a special edition of the game.

Exactly. Free to play done well in mobile games with unique IP, or at the very least IP that supports the idea? I'm on board. Free to play in AAA console products like Final Fantasy and Dragon Age? I did not ask for this, it does not appeal to me, I will not play it.

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