I say, if it looks attractive, sex it. Ask whether or not you're gay afterwards!
Damn right Warmech is worth 20 points.
Hell yes.
Ah, it's not that bad. I don't like that comments with no replies get pushed into obscurity, though.
For optimum effect, acquire shrinky dink bush sticker. Burn it with candle to reveal secret stairway.
My face when.
Decided to skip past the annoying text cut-ins and it still ended up ruining it for me.
Needs more guys-as-girls cosplays that aren't posted for irony. :(
Who? o.o
I dig it.
I agree with cheats codes, not so much on the mods. I always find myself cheating in Fallout 3 because it's so easy to do. I'm definitely an abuser of noclip just to get through subway systems.
Are those watermelons disguised as boobs?
That one is amazing. Can't tell how 'shopped it is, but I don't really care either way.
Don't remind me, Kotaku.
The game/firmware updates take longer than they should, too. At least with a PC it is fast, and even if it weren't I could multitask while it does. and the UI is just god-awful ever since the latest change. 'Course, if I used my 360 more during these past two years maybe it wouldn't seem so shitty.
I agree with you, and that 4MB update would take for freaking ever.
Dude. Duuuuude, that third guy is giving me Garrus vibes.
You'll probably only be more confused if you find out what it is.
Definitely a shame. I had no interest in XIII but Versus looked like it had a better tone and characters I wanted to get to know. But nope...