Casper Andersen

Honestly though, I'm confused. What should I believe to not be a misogynist? Should women show cleavage and be objectified by men? Or should they show cleavage because they are free to do whatever they want with their bodies? It is misogyny when a woman uses her body in a sexual manner to attract viewers? Is it bad

I have a friend who does kind of the same thing you do. He has a patient who's pretty high functioning who really wanted some porn. So the guy took out to one of the adult stores and let him pick out his own DVD's. He was very excited because he got to pick out ones with ladies with large breasts...

It's all about being dark and gritty when appropriate.

Captain America? Nope.
Daredevil? Yes!

Batman? Yes!
Superman? No. No no no no no no no.

No its not that Marvel fans dont like dark and gritty. Its that we like it when its appropriate. (Daredevil)

HL3: Break the Internet

The Core is not just unscientific, it's joyfully so. And it's kind of a special pleasure watching a cast that includes Aaron Eckhart, Bruce Greenwood and Hilary Swank spout nonsense dialogue and attempt to take completely ridiculous situations seriously.

This comment is so self-righteous. You're lying to yourself if you think only "creepy neckbeards" are going to use VR porn.

I believe you're thinking of Demolition Man there.

Okay, so when can I see this movie where Wesley Snipes fights ninjas and sharks?

Obligatory another one bites the dust. Well played, EA! You might want to take a closer look at Blizzard, they haven't innovated anything in about 10 years, sounds like prime acquisition material for you.

ISIS really is a group of morons. They could have sold those artifacts to the highest bidder and made more money for their insanity.

So one thing that Minecraft has over Lego is that it teaches kids digital logic and engineering in a way that Lego just can't do. Lego can teach a kid how to build a wall. Minecraft can teach a kid how to build a CPU. That's what the redstone book is about. It's almost tricking kids into learning math and engineering

Now playing

"Pretty much what it says on the tin, folks. Although, the weasel is not so much riding the bird as it is, probably, trying to kill and eat it. "

I think you forgot to tell those dang kids to get off your lawn.

I'll stick with the corniness and lameness while you sulk in the corner.

And possibly and exorcist.

And, like, a physicist.

My pediatrician advised that medically-necessary circumcisions in adulthood are far more risky, and exponentially more painful.

Tina use slang typically associated with black culture. Sir hammerlock talk with a British accent. It's all balanced. I think his bosses just didn't want to be associated with a developer who start fights on twitter with other developers especially when it's not even that justified.