Casper Andersen

The end result will be a resurgence in piracy.

Ever since the Mario Bros movie in 1993 Nintendo has refused to do any movies based on their stuff and this is the movie they chose to return to the big screen with? It is fucking bizzarre.

Like with Lion King, that is gonna have to be all cgi (or people in silly hats like the musical). So what is the fucking point of remaking it?! Did anyone want a more drap looking Lion King?

Yeah, I am having a real hard time imagining someone else in that role. Even with all the poeople that worked on bringing him to life, Genie still felt like he was all Robin Williams.

Great! I just hope he gets some help with action scenes and integrating special effects. These things were severely lacking in the first one. The climax was robbed of a lot of its impact by taking place in a big cgi hole, straight out of an early 2000s movie.

It is more that the series suffers as a whole by having three episodes worth of bloat, even if it isnt exactly three filler episodes. The middle of all the Netflix shows so far has felt saggy.

Maybe she was accidentlly given the Sword of Power and are given the powers of He-Man thus giving her that transgender look.

That is actually a cool way to do a reboot series, just set it in an alternate reality where the Sword of Protection is given to a hobgoblin, I hope we get to see how the other swampcreature versions of the original characters looks.

But hasn’t she killed a bunch of people, both with the Joker and after going solo?

“Solo had a disastrous opening weekend and that is a good thing!”

Why not go with one of those new clickbait titles?

Was the Barbie show she watched “Barbie Life in The Dreamhouse”? When my sister put it on for her 6 year old I was really sceptical, but it turns out it is actually an unequivocally funny show. There was a ton of silly humour and they had a somewhat ironic distance to some of the Barbie lore, like they comment on how

pro dancer, Reynolds posted about him on instagram

They will at least be the focus for the first half of the next movie, it was clear they were setting up a last sendoff to the OG Avengers.
Some will survive (Black Widow has a solo movie coming up), sure, but I think Cap and Iron Man will be gone by the end of Avengers 4.

My favortie line was probably:

I honestly did not expect Thanos to actually get all the stones and for him to do “the snap” in this movie. I was sure the Avengers would manage to delay him, with something like they tried: by destroying one of the stones. And that there would only be an homage to “the snap”, like when Gamora lays out Thanos MO in

Agreed, my friend said the same. It was why Strange was so quick to give up the Time Stone. He knew it had to go down like it did for it to ultimately end in (at least partial) success in the next Avengers.

Yeah Loki is probably toast

I feel like I am going crazy, did all the critics watch another movie? Or a different cut, that is somehow a masterpiece?
Because what I saw was a decent, but also very standard MCU movie.

Sure the visual style was interesting and the villain had an interesting backstory. But he never deliverered and the action scenes

He became King and took over the already established network of spies Wakanda had always had in place. Those were the people he had waiting for him. There is even a line about how not all of them agreed to his plan when he sent the word out, but still enough to casue widespread chaos.

They were not Killmongers sleeper cells, they were Wakandan “War Dogs”, the spies they have inserted around the world to keep an eye on things, like Nakia.
The end result would probably not have been a complete overthrow of white poeple everywhere and an Wakandan world government, but more likely just a lot of chaos,