Casper Andersen

“We’ve turned Friday into more of a destination for our fantasy and science fiction fans.”

Let me translate: “Nerds don’t go out on friday, they WILL stay in and watch this nerd shit.”

I don’t know if you can sustain just being a Star Trek spoof for a whole season of television (let alone multiple seasons). This show needs to bring something else to the table too. But so far at least the trailer was interesting enough.

It did go a little overboard on the sex scenes in the first season and I did think it made the show move a little too slow at times. But I felt it was warrented with some of the characters individual stories, particualar Lito and the love triangle thing he had going on.

Damn, the grow up fast, I think they will have to do a timejump if they do one more season.

In my dreams, Doctor Doom. But since that will probably never happen, how about Kang the Conqueror?
It seems like he is one of the few really powerful/dangerous Marvel villains left, since the others are tied up with X-Men or Fantastic 4: Galactus, Apocalypse, Doctor Doom, Magneto etc. And they already used Ultron.


The Thor MCU movies have been some those, not bad, but nothing special that a lot of them fall into. So it is good to see them switcing it up and trying something new with the character and his world (even if it just Gaurdians of the Galaxyfing it all). Technically Ragnarok is an applicable title, since Asgard seems

High standards and Kotaku? What are you smoking?

While the company has the name “Bioware” it is pretty much a completely new team, all the old leads and creative staff had left around the production of DA:I. So it is just inexperience and the team  not quite being ready for primetime.

It also seems the game was rushed out, despite how long it has been in production.

Agreed, but it also feel like the show have turned it up a few notches from the book. Sure there are grusome scenes, but they only happens once in a while, the show really revels in them.

It is very slowly paced, so I can see that putting some people off. I too did get a little exasperated with some of the side-treks it took. But in the end I think it was worth it. And all those detours and glacial pace, probably makes it work great as a tv-show.

It was a valiant attempt at putting that book to film, but I don’t think it could ever work. It is still an ok film and if you have read the book you get a lot more out of it. But jumpling up the storylines did not work.

Ok, so if you are not hung up on the heinous cultural-appropriation-crime of a non-asian being really good at martial arts, it is a middling effort with a bit weaker fight scenes than Daredevil season 1. I can live with that, hopefully it does pick up in the last few episodes and improve in the next season.

One of the best X-Men movies and a really great movie in its own right too. You can watch it without being in to X-Men or superheroes at all.

Totally agree, it is show I will give a chance until I see how it ends and if it is satisfying I will watch the second season. I did the same with Westworld, I was very on the fence about it. I was really afraid it would like Lost and have mysteries just for the sake of it and to keep people watching, in the hope of

I was thinking about this while reading the article. Batman is my favorite superhero for example, but other than being white and male, I share no other physical characteristics. But I still identify with him, his morals, losing his parents and so on.

That being said it couldn’t hurt to have more racially diverse

I really really hope they don’t pull a “it was all a dream”, that is the laziest trope. Sure David would have grown as a character by the end, but everything else would be pointless. I hope the show is smarter than that.
I hope all the disjointedness and faffing about is just because David is our veiwpoint character

Now playing

Eww a wild Mel Gibson.

I love Nick Krolls and John Mulaney’s bit, from their opening monologue at the Spirit Awards, about 8 years apperantly being the amount of time it takes for Hollywood to forgive you for being a crazy anti-semite lunatic. I guess we will see Cosby win awards agian in 2024.

She was a pretty useless character in the old show

Or keep it to just 2 shows crossing over at a time and then make a mini series for the big 4 show extravaganza. Sorta like Defenders. Maybe it would even enable them to not have to sacrifice budget from the regular shows as it would have a budget as its own show.

This article said Nazi several times, this must mean Kotaku is really a nazi puplication. Shame on you for all that nazi support!