Casper Andersen

It is because of just how far off the Murderverse’s interpretation of the characters is. We want Warner to do better, but now they are so deeply entrenched in the Murderverse that I can see no way for them to unsuck their cinematic universe.
I would love to see an awesome Batman and Superman on the big screen, but for

I hope they can bring back some of the freedom you had in Oblivion without sacrificing the improved gameplay and visiual effects of Skyrim. Like the spells, by closing off the system, they were able to do some more interesting effects, so you didn’t just fire different colored bolts at stuff.
But I still miss the

As blatant as this move is, it is actually one of the things I hoped would come out of the success of Deadpool. This is a character that would not work in anything other than an R-rated movie. And while I still have low expectations of the DC movies coming up, this is totally a right move, if they make his movie

Ah those dang misogynist shitlords from Reddit are vexing you again, good thing this organisations are such good moral people that would never do bad things like say out gay people, make fun of rape victims or post peoples private sex videos. Gawker really is a tower of decency in the mire that is the internet.

I had to quit, it is a great game, I just began to see myself in the same stupid circle as when I played Magic. Buy the biggest card pack, play for a few months, buy the biggest pack for next expansion etc etc. I could just see the path of me eternally buying cards every few months.
The problem is you kinda have to

nah, they are trying way too hard with that character

Or half of them being captured (or killed), it feels like it is happening every damn episode. It makes them seem completely incompetent, now I get that they are supposed to “grow with the task” and come together as a real time over time. But right now it seems they are just fucking things up worse than before every

I’ll allow it.

Damn, year after year I find more things that happened forever ago, that I remember as happening “ only a few years ago”. Like Disney’s Aladdin, it is fucking 24 years old now. Fuck me.

This is actually kind of perfect casting, I am sure she can really bring some over the top scenery-chewing to this. And any modern day movie version of the OG series, needs to have the tongue firmly planted in the cheek to be pulled off.

Taken as a whole X-Men are weaker than Avengers, sure they have a couple of characters that are equally or way more powerful than most Avengers. But most X-Men are teenagers with one power and have to make up for the rest in general combat training. Where most Avengers have multiple powers and are more experienced.


My bet is on the Earth-2 Jay Garrick they have been hanging out with, being a clone who unwittingly worked for Zoom, maybe implanted false memories or something like that. His “disease” could just be his body braking down due to an imperfect cloning process.

I buy my books almost exclusively online, but that is more out of necicity. Because most bookstores in Denmark only carry titles either originally written in danish or that have been translated to danish.
And since I mostly read sci-fi (with a dash of fantasy) and prefer to read them in english, if that is the books

Because the studios are dumb also it seems the TV and Movie divisions are completely separate other than the movie division having more say over the live action version of characters. Like the aforementioned embargo on Superman and Batman and also that the Arrowerse incarnation of Suicide Squad was shot right down,

I really liked Angie and her relationship with Peggy, she was her only real female friend. So I was sad to see her go, but I get it really wouldn’t make sense for a waitress from New York to show up in Hollywood.
Although she did want to be an actor right, hmm. Maybe she shows up later.

I really really hope Warner won’t shut down Flash and Arrow because of the movies. But it is hard not to be scared given the embargo there seems to be on Superman and Batman when it comes to tv-shows.

Yeah, I think Swifty comes off a bit slimy when she does the whole “look at my famous female friends”

There must be a way for her to shit out those six albums as fast as possible and be free, right? Right?!

The thing is when Rise of the Tomb Raider and Just Cause 3 is finally cracked, they will know how to do it next time and some new form of DRM will have to be invented. This is a neverending arms race

I was really fearing that the humour would be grating and annoying, because that is how Deadpool has been most other places i have seen him the last few years. But as they say they in the article, the movie actually strikes a perfect balance between being silly and having a real heart to the it.