Casper Andersen

This would also explain why the technology seems to be the same as in the Mass Effect 2.99-ology (the last 1% of ME3 can suck a huge wiener), even though it supposedly set a long time after those events. You woldn’t have much time to reseach new stuff if you are in stasis or cryosleep.

I don’t geographically the Faceless men are very far removed from the Others. Yes I know they have agents working in Westeros, but it is nowhere near the same powerbase they have across the narrow sea. This seems like a stretch to me.
Arya still has something major to do(all signs point to killing someone important), I

I was only kidding with all the identity politics and stuff that has been discussed over the years, I think it funny that someone actually went ahead and did something like Dolezal did.

Stop picking on that poor transracial woman for HER life choices

This shit again? Go watch a movie or something if you don’t want ther interactive aspects of this media.

If gender is fluid and something you can change if you feel as if you got the wrong one at birth, why not race?

It seems to work for me, but it only occasionally register it when i buy upgrades and my clicks don’t seem to do anything at all. That may be because my damage is too low to be seen on the massive health bars, but it doesn’t seem like it.

I had a Sega Master System (the one before Genesis) and even though I played a lot I only remember completing 2-3 of the 16 games I had.

Tried it with my best friend and a random girl he found on the internet, it was super awkward and I will never do it again.

“But...original Heroes characters? That’s just wishful thinking.”

Collage students are annoying enough on their own, most of them are so smugly sure they have found the “right” way, whether that be Ayan Rand, feminism , communism or whatever other ideology that speaks to them. But give them (somewhat) legal powers to affect peoples lives and you have a stupid and dangerous combo.

This sums it up, but then at least girls have better orgasms. Well I think so, I have never tried one myself, only made a couple happen :-/

It is so over the top that it crosses right into comedy for me

It was pretty boneheaded of Valve to just throw this bomb into a decades old modding community (if you count the earlier TES games), as they also have stated.

If I remember correctly they launched their kickstarters at about the same time. But yeah, the games do look alike and one could easily mistake this game for being part of the same franchise as Shadowrun Returns

Well they did have to something different with him and as you say maybe the acting will save this. But man it is so hard to be optimistic about any of the stuff DC puts out for their new movies.

I actually have tried to get heists going with two other friends, it still doesn’t work. That mission where you have to steal a car off a boat, we had one friend and one random on that. They miraculously actually got the car and was driving away, then out of the blue the random guy jumps out of the car and instantly

And it is free on Xbox 360 if you have an active Gold account. Actually I think I am gonna just drop my plan to play all the Asscreed games in sequence and have some fun with Pirates now.

A lot of people have tried to get me into LoL, I installed it once and could not get into it, that and all the stuff you hear about its community, made me never want to get into a MOBA. But this is different.
I think the shorter playtime (the aim is about 20 minutes), curtails at least some of the toxicity. You didn’t