Casper Andersen

I am kinda fearing that both the book and tv series are gonna devolve into the bog standard: “unite the realm and defeat the inhuman evil threat”-plot, seen in so many fantasy works before. It seems GRRM has something other than that in store, but the way they keep teasing The Others and him saying the world is gonna

Yeah that will come, no doubt, the streaming services are slowly turning into the new cable tv. Only more expensive.

And once again Piracy is the better service

I had not planned to watch in the theaters, but after all the positive buzz I gave it a chance and holy crap, i think this is my new favorite movie. I think I am gonna go see it agian.

“But...original Heroes characters? That’s just wishful thinking.”

Collage students are annoying enough on their own, most of them are so smugly sure they have found the “right” way, whether that be Ayan Rand, feminism , communism or whatever other ideology that speaks to them. But give them (somewhat) legal powers to affect peoples lives and you have a stupid and dangerous combo.

This sums it up, but then at least girls have better orgasms. Well I think so, I have never tried one myself, only made a couple happen :-/


I really hope they also fix the tech tree, it needs some better way to get an overview of each tech, color coding would be a good start.
The Wonders also need a face lift, they were so underwhelming, sometimes it is not even clear that what you built was a wonder and not a slightly better normal building.

I feel ya, I really really want to be excited and like what I see from their movies, but DC keeps making it so damn hard.

Yeah I like that, from the trailer it doesn’t really seem that her world building would mesh that well with the three others

well they probably are, that is how things are going in the last book. Also most of the stuff from Winterfell is pretty close to the book, they just used the real Sansa instead of her handmaiden ib the show. And you we should be thankful that Theon was not forced to be an active participant, as he is in the book...

Now that I think about it, there actually could be an interesting story for a white Black Panther, give him some sort of Tarzan backstory where he gets adopted by the king of Wakanda, when his father dies, he will have an even harder time ruling. And when he comes to america he finds that he doesn’t fit in among the

I find that a majority of superheroes could be any race, with little to no changes, well the white ones anyway. A white Luke Cage would constitute some sort of hate-crime.

I actually roleplayed my Shepard 75% Renegade/25% Paragon, even though it hurt me at points, like the ending of Samara’s loyalty mission. My Shepard was a hardass and only thought of the mission when out in the field, but at the quieter moments between she showed a softer side, and just wanted to make sure her crew

Yeah this is pretty much what it came down to for me too. I had heard that Jennifer’s voiceover was the better one so I went with fem-shep , by the second game there was no going back, “my” Shepard was a woman, anything else just seems wrong now :-P

Very good epsiode, lots of fun and a good wrap-up to most of the plots both from the start of the show and this season. Even if the whole “Jiaying is secretly evil” felt kinda rushed.

The ColSec trilogy (Exiles of ColSec, The Caves of Klydor, ColSec Rebellion), I read them when I was pretty young (12-14ish I think) and was blown away by the main protagonist and the descriptions of the alien world.

Yeah I used to be heavyweight national champion and do some occasional youth coaching now and we have a bunch of crossfitters from the local center at our weightlifting club. I have seen some truly awful form, but at least they came to the right people to learn the olympic lifts. Too bad they often burn out on it,

May I add Olympic Lifts - Snatch and Clean And Jerk, I have seen so many crossfitters fumble around with this exercise which they where taught by a trainer who has no idea what the hell he is doing.