Casper Andersen

When there is a sale I always sell cards right away, the sale themed cards usually go for 0.25 Euro or thereabouts. Which makes the card work more like a mini discount for me, which I much prefer over whatever else those cards can give. And I usually end up with a 1-5 Euroes (about 1-6$), which can actually get me

Well at least he was dumb enough to send the threats from his own damn home

Ah man, I could use another RDR right about now.

As much as I like this setting, the formula is getting pretty stale. Apart from Black Flag it has been pretty boring since AC 3.

Yes she did, I always used the base female model, only messing a bit with her hairdo.

I have been giving all these Call of Battle-honor games a pass, but this Sci-fi theme intrigues me.

Avatar may be the best animated series since Batman TAS, it never talks down to kids, but trusts they can handle advanced themes and stories. And on top of that it has great humor and interesting characters, with real development. Maybe they should have went harder after the teen and tween market with Korra.
I hope

This is one of the reasons I have not been able to get real game going in Divinity: Original Sin, I just know that my first build is gonna turn out to be useless halfway through the game.

I am gonna be so blown away if Marvel has the guts to introduce Beta Ray Bill in the MCU, he would be right at home in a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

wait a sec, was he naked? Use a coat dammit.

I preloaded Civilization: Beyond Earth, and is super ready to ignore WoW.
But I am probably gonna take a look at the new expansion at some point, I always do. Hope it is better than Mists of Pandaria, the only thing that kept me playing after I hit level cap, was the Pet Battles. And that was not really a reason to

Chips with sweet tastes are the work of the devil. There is brand here in Denmark who has two more unusual flavors next to the classic salted and Sour Cream and Onion, which every brand of chips has in Denmark. But those other two? Yurgh! Sweet liquorice and Wasabi.
I tried them because I am always for the lookout for

Now playing

Whigfield was (is) a danish artist, but she at least sings in english and had a couple of minor hits in europe in the nineties. So I get why she would be on some of those CDs, they seem to be distilled 90s.
But Diskofil is on Sonic Dance Power 1 (track 5). Not only do they sing in danish, but their whole schtick is

Everyone wants to belong to something, and it is easier to define what that is against an "enemy".

I like to play with a smaller Empire focused on Science or culture, so Ghandi is one of my favorites. I always fuck up when trying to be warlike.

Because not everyone sees the need for a pointless minor graphic upgrade. There is yet to release a game for the nextgen boxes I really want. In fact I am actually considering just upgrading my PC instead of getting a PS4/Xbone.

Ah Astrotrain, so silly, yet so awesome.
I recall wondering, as a kid, how the heck the entire Decepticon team could fit inside his Space Shuttle mode while his robot mode was the same size as the rest. Oh and ditto for Jetfire and the autobots.

Games based on movies usually work better when just set in the same universe, instead of trying to follow the plot of the movie.

Ads are like distant memory for me, it is hard to recall a time before Adblock

My group switched to Pathfinder after being thoroughly disappointed with 4th edition, but after a few years of this I also gave up Pathfinder. I still like the 3rd ed/Pathfinder system, it is the one that got me into roleplaying, but after game-mastering for while I just grew tired of all the intricate (clunky) rules.