Casper Andersen
Now playing

The Innkeepers, at least among my friends. They all raved about the piano scene, where the girl has some ghost listening gear and can hear the piano play in the headphones, but not when she takes them off.
The movie didn't really work for me, it seemed more like an indy comedy with a weird "scary" third act.

I know I am way off on this, but I always imagined Shadow like a burly bald Michael Chiklis kinda guy. Sometimes I just get a very different or even contradictory picture of characters from books, for example I saw Hagrid as muscular but gangly and tall and even with glasses.

I think this is a question of funds and related to that, how badly they want the rights to make a full sequel to Baldurs Gate. Something both Wizards of the coast or whoever has the rights at the moment, could be interested in doing themselves. Or at least a reboot or something, with Baldurs Gate in the title.

Considering they have almost been hiding this movie PR-wise I guess it could be a huge stinker. Still very curious on what Josh Tranks take on a big budget superhero flick is.

It is only a question of time with the increasing militarization of american police, someone will get trigger happy either an officer or the victim of the "prank".

Yeah Sex Ed is lacking (also in Denmark), it needs to be about more than just the mechanical aspects and diseases you might catch. You need to talk about the feelings and all the other aspects of real sex. But that is gonna be hard (no pun intended) to a room full of prepubescent kids, for while I still think they are

I think people criticizing porn for skewing young boys perception of sex is akin to the old fears that people playing D&D would not be able to tell reality from fantasy. This poem starts out fun and then turns into a vocal Mazes and Monsters.

Well that was an awful song, she wasn't even trying in the last 2 minutes.

Well she did start out as villain, offscreen but still, that story could be cool.

And the community that reaches League of Legends levels of nastyness.

Replied to wrong post

This is fucking insane

You know what lesson DC will take away from this? That they totally need to make a gritty and dark New Gods movie.

Hmm I had be thinking about returning to GTA Online now that the rampant money exploits had died down. But it seems I have to wait a bit until Rockstar shuts this shit down.

"RIP DC superheroes."

But Warhammer punches right through the Grimdark right back around to being ridiculous, even if some fans still haven't gotten the memo.

I know how to play the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Collectible Card Game. You don't.

Howard the Duck

Is it just me or does it smell like Tumblr in here?