Casper Andersen

Wearing stupid shit on your head is not the future in gaming, didn't we already go over this in the 90es?

While she is a total dreamboat, I cringe a little over her pro Russian rhetoric, she seems to have drank deeply of the "Putin Kool Aid".

Ah yes, I had thought that revolution era France would be a perfect setting for an AC game. And now we will have dodgy french accents instead of italian ones :-/

Yes in America that would be true, but what if it was set somewhere with stricter gun control laws?
In the Yakusa series and Sleeping Dogs they focus more on melee combat, just changing the setting of a game can inform lots of the gameplay decisions the developers need to make. Or they can just say it is the future and

Good, I hope it can live up to the two first games from Rocksteady

Yeah I know this how it is supposed to be done, but I prefer to sauce the rice, and no amount of sushi snobbery is gonna change that, so there! >:-(

There can only ever be a game that is "perfect" to you personally, and maybe not even then.
I have favorite games, sure, but I can see the flaws too. They just don't matter to me or are outweighed by the good stuff.
Take Skyrim, I find that game engrossing and it works really well as a sort free-form fantasy world

Yes, yes this is the worst game I ever bought, not really by choice though. My old Xbox 360 had just rrod and I needed a replacement. I have a buddy that runs the local gamestop and he hooked me up, problem was, the cheapest option was a bundle special edition 360, with Halo ODST, a driving game (cant recall it, not

Yes, Elder Scrolls have some giant issues (weird voice work, brown color scheme, clunky combat etc), but most gamers can see past them. And the game taken as whole is simply not something you get to experience anywhere else.
But yes I can see that you would not like it if you cannot get past all the bad stuff about the

Hmmm, Cryptozoic Entertainment you say? Gonna wait for the reviews then.
Pretty much all the licensed games they have done have been uneven at best. They seem to just grab all the IP licenses they can get and cash in, there have yet to be a true hit (or super game) from them.

Hey! Kaiden was my femsheps true love, she even stayed faithful to him during ME2! :-)

Now playing

We have a similar concept in Denmark, called "Dansktop", also very similar to "schlager" music. It have had this weird parallel development with regular pop music, it started out with danish rock and roll and pop in the 50-60es but then it just went unchanged while the rest of the music world moved on. It is generally

They actually do air some matches live here in Denmark, only problem is, it is on a sunday at 9 or 10 in the evening, when the game starts. So not a lot of people have the opportunity (or stamina) to stay up for the whole game.

Well, if the game does not have strong online components, then his argument is completely invalid. I can see why an indie developer would not be all about Steam Sales, indie games already sell for much cheaper than AAA titles and a price drop is not gonna bring enough extra sales to justify the price drop.

Now, it would be cool if I had actually received my key to the game, I am a little pissed that they haven't sent it out to many of the early backers yet :-(

Now playing

I can't help but be worried, we all know what happened last time they tried to do a Wizards of the Coast movie franchise:

Yeah you are right, I was being a douche-bag about it :-/
I was tired and in a bad mood, there are probably tons of people who like the new games, otherwise why would they keep making the damn things :-)

Definitely, I never played any of the originals and thus have no nostalgia for the games, I have seen and played a few of the later titles and found them quite boring.
So I think you need to wear your rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia to really appreciate Zelda games, they dont really hold up on their own merits.

How about Wotan? Can I play games and celebrate him or how about Allah? I got all his albums and he is very talented.