Casper Andersen

Aww man, the delivery of "beacuase" gets me every time :-)

"Later, the player, who goes by the Xbox Live name PHATDOG"
Because of course that is his gamertag...

What, a person has the audacity to be upset when someone hacks their photobucket account and shares personal pictures with everyone to fuel some vendetta against that person?! The nerve!

Pervert :-)

As awesome as he is in Breaking Bad, I would love to see him in a comedic role again soon :-)

Well at least you have lots of crabs :-/

Maybe to ask advice if you just dont feel racist enough

To be honest I mainly backed the game because maybe, just maybe they would make a new one. I was never all that invested in a remake and it makes me kinda sad that they couldn´t pull that off.

Dont we already have movie like that? Not that would mind seeing another one with a little girl superhero instead of the boy :-)

Esmaerelda May is relevant to my interests

Ugh I get a bad taste in my mouth every time I hear her name, being indirectly responsible for child genoside has that effect.

I think I am still gonna buy a PS4 anyway, but now it mostly a price issue, and that I dont want a stupid kinect. Both of which Micosoft could easily fix by launching a kinectless version of the Xbox One

dudes, what about all the people in those buildings (both in Smallville and Metropolis) he killed tons of people by throwing the Zod gang through buildings. Batman would have killed Superman in a heartbeat if started acting like that in the comics.

I believe that a lot of the established super heroes easily could be something other than caucasian, with little to no alteration to their character and back story. Of course most of the superheroes where white when their were conceived because that was sadly just how the world worked back then. But now it is mostly

Yeah Microsoft handed them this victory, but I bet that Sony was considering many of the same measures as Microsoft. Thankfully they did not follow up on it.

"3 - When can be see more AAA exclusives?"

I love the one at 1:10, the girl in the middle smirks ever so slightly, clearly a reader :-)

Good that you read this post (and maybe watch the video) and then proceeded to make a post about just how little you care about the show. Clearly your apathy towards the show most be overwhelming.

Peeking was also in Theif: The Dark Project from 1998... Cutting edge stuff.

  • Survey Question One: If the Xbox One must use the Internet but can run online, then I will accept an offline gaming mode that lasts as little as until the heat death of the universe.