Casper Andersen
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"What do I expect after episode 9 of Game of Thrones season 3? Mass hysteria. Insanity, anger, disbelief"

Well I intend to wait and see which console will "win" this generation. IMO last time it was Xbox 360, mainly because of the games library, but that doesnt mean anything going into a new generation, especially now that neither the new Playstation or Xbox are gonna be backwards compatible, as of now both both options

When you use electrode as the face part, they all look like terrifying clowns

Yeah the actual fun of playing an mmo runs out before that month is up (for me at least), but you keep playing because of the skinnerbox effect.

yeah I do that too, but it only takes me a month to grow tired of a mmo. Almost done with Neverwinter by now and it is technically still in beta...

Isn´t it also a "thing" in China to have massive building projects that are no real use for, I seem to recall stories of malls with room for 100+ stores, with only 5-10 stores actually being open there. I believe it is done as a way to keep the economy rolling by creating jobs for people, at least for a time.

My mom is totally to "blame" for a lot of my nerdy interest, she introduced me to Star Trek TNG and Watchmen as well as some less well known european comics like Thorgal. She is also gleefully watching Game of Thrones, but she is a season behind as she has to watch it when it is on Danish tv with subtitles.

Specifically 0:46-0:49

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What about him as a vampire slayer (in a very silly movie) he is only in the trailer for a short cut so blink and you will miss him:

This, these four panels are things you just dont fuck around with about Superman, it makes up the core of his character. I really hope this rumor is wrong :-(

It is not really spoilers, they way "Tony Stark doesnt want to be Iron Man" anymore is very ambiguous, like the scene in Iron Man 2 where Nick Fury says they want Iron Man but not Tony. I think it is there to explain why Tony is not there for the next Avengers/Iron Man movie if Robert Downey Junior decides not to

It is only prudent for RDJ to give the impression that he wants to stop with the Tony Stark role, if only to gain some leverage with Disney. We all know that it comes down to how much they are willing to pay him for him to continue.

Hmm "The Red Snapper" Mark XXXV, I sense some naughtyness here

Well, IMO there have not been a bad movie in the new Marvel movie continuity, only films that are merely ok, compared to the really great ones. I find that Iron Man 3 falls into the "ok" category.

Damn, I had tried to not buy any lotr Lego, but this too tempting, gotta save up for it though, the Danish price is 298$...

And only now did I get that it is Jaime Murray playing Stahma Tarr, doh. I spend the two first episodes wondering where the hell I had seen her before :-S

I always thought this game looked interesting on its own merits, it never needed to have the Xcom brand slapped on it. And it also seems to be a tactic that very much backfired on them, and if they change the name they may be of the same mind. Although they could well have scrapped the game, which would be sad.

To be fair the character design in that game seem to really, hmmm bad? Crazy?
I really like that giant knight with a tiny tiny head. But yes that "sorceress" is a special kind of awful.

While it is a terrible movie, I can see what they were going for, they wanted to make a sillier Batman movie, that was like the old Adam West show or the Silver Age comics. But that was a terrible idea, because at the time the world wanted a serious and grim Batman. As established by the same god damned series they