Casper Andersen

Cool that a new Batman game, in the same style as the "Arkham" versions are comming out, but didnt they set up the Scarecrow as a potential main villain during Arkham City?

I was thinking of getting it now that the servers are moslty stable, but all those AI shenanigans just make the game seem pointless. If I cannot perform any sort of strategy because the AI fucks it up, like all the firetrucks clogging one street while a fire burns right next to the fire station. Maybe I will try it

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Actually I think some of the violence done by Booker fit with his character, given his past, but it is still kinda disconcerting in places. Actually I thin it would have been cool if the had some more rpg elements, like the "guns and conversations" of Mass Effect, that would be have been a really good fit for a game

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Burn the entire EU, fine by me I have only had any interest in the three "real" Star Wars movies.

I Denmark there is a "boarding school" (not really it is just the closest english term for it) that teaches almost exclusively like this, it was founded by a bunch roleplayers (who also happens to be teachers) so it is very nerd friendly

Yup because letting the general public own guns is the best way to prevent gun violence, that is probably why gun violence is so high in Denmark we dont have enough armed citizens. Oh wait no

"Ep. 309 – The Rains of Castamere"

This last generation has shown that even the best hardware does not mean the best machine (actually also the generation before that, the Xbox had the best tech), I bought a Xbox360 even though the PS2 was the clear "winner" of the previous generation, but that time I was just lucky because I was a Xbox fanboy. So this

Well, they also gained a lot of new subs with MoP, which has brought them above the 8.X million subs that was left after a couple of month with Cata. Yeah, it is still not the same as at the games peak (which was WotLK, also my favorite expansion), but the numbers are holding pretty steady between 8 and 9 million subs.

That is a lot less than after an equivalent amount of time after Cataclysm is it not?

I love that I live in a world with DIY cybernetics, that are also freely given to a kid who needs it. I dont care what else happens today, I officially declare this day Awesome.

In Denmark (and I think the other scandinavian countries too) the waiters tip is already factored into the prices of the restaurants (usually 15% of a given price is "service") , as in the waiters automatically get a cut of each order which is then internally distributed along with the normal salary.

I think my list goes Skyrim, Morrowind, Oblivion and Daggerfall. I never played arena so I cant really comment on it.

Do you have some friends to play with? I find mmos to be pretty much unplayable without some friends to do stuff with or just chat with while yo play.

Screw dolphins, they are the dickheads of the sea. One of the only species besides human who kill for "fun"

Yes that is kinda my point, which is why I imagined it being an alternate reality.

I am actually ok with the new Star Trek movie(s), the Trek films have always been more swashbuckling adventure and less philosophical discussion. Where the tv shows are the other way around, that being said I would still love to see a new Trek tv show and for it to be set in the old continuity. It just seems like a

Doran seems to be connected with Varys or at least also working towards restoring the Targaryans