Casper Andersen

I recently rewatched this and it got me thinking that it may have a worse reputation than it deserves. I mean sure the hacking is so far from anything real and the lingo and fashion are just as hilarious. But if you think of Hackers as a Neuromancer prequel it actually kinda works, like an alternate history story,

Damn, we Danes should be ashamed of ourselves

Neglecting Probability - I think we have to do this (or many of the other entries actually) to not go mad. I know that if I was completely aware of mortality statistics of every action I did throughout a typical day, like crossing the road or going down stairs, I would go all Howard Hughes and never leave the house

Cue the army of Win 8 apologists...

Aren´t all fairytales "dark"? At least in their original form.

My nerd friends and I, have always been a bit into boardgames or at least been aware that boardgames could be so much more than Monopoly, by way of osmosis. You see we are all pen and paper rpg fans and at the cons in Denmark, there are almost always a boardgaming cafe, where the people organizing the con brings tons

Well I think a lot of the problems with gaming journalism comes down to the fact that everything about it revolves around commercial products. I mean as opposed to regular news outlets that report on lots of topics, game journalism is all about where you should spend you gaming money. Maybe not always directly, like a

I found it enjoyable and fun, but very drawn out in parts and somewhat schizophrenic in mood and tone.

Yes, the gaming community and games themselves has very major issues with sexism and it is about time we dealt with it, but I just wish that Anita Sarkeesian had not become the unofficial spokesperson for anti-sexism in gaming. I have watched a lot of her "Tropes vs Women" videos and she only seems to have a valid

All those clues could also point to Gary Mitchell, but nothing is certain at this point. I am actually kinda glad that they have kept it secret so far, I hope the next trailer doesnt reveal too much.

As a DM I find Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Evil characters to be too disruptive for the game, unless you have really good player behind the character of course.

I hope this is not true, the average movie goers are gonna have a difficult time understanding why Thanos is in two different movies (yes yes I know Thanos is "inspired" by Darkseid). Also as others have said, he really is the biggest and baddest of DCs badguys, he needs some setup and foreshadowing and who are they

Even though a lot of these people seem to be banned for legitimate reasons, the process that determines bans seems super fickle. Like that guy who got a spike in traffic because his stuff was featured somewhere else. And it also seems like the "investigation" and customer "service" are completely automated.

Barl3000, some version of Barl has been my online handle for years. I believe I started using it back in 7th grade when had to make a profile for an (at the time) very popular chat service. It was supposed to be Baal, like the demon, to sound "cool" and "sinister", only I did not know how it was spelled, so I went

The Lady Macbeth piloted by the Han Solo ripoff Joshua Calvert, from the Nights Dawn Trilogy

By the power of Greyskull let this be really doable, please.