Casper Andersen

I played the Indiana Jones version, I found quite fun, but that may be on account of me not having acces to any "real" games back then :-D

"The game is a Kinect rail shooter,"

I am on really really tight budget this year, so I will only have money for 1 game.

DLC can be both very good and very very bad. A game that both did it oh so wrong and very right is actually Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

Kinda funny how he was able to cut those women completely bald with those giant sciccors

In response to nr. 8 on the list, I think I have heard some buzz about a new Star Trek show gearing up. But I dont know if it is already attached to some other channel?

"So Valve invested in getting the games they sold there localized in Russian. Now Russia is their largest European market outside of the UK and Germany."

"RPG: Final Fantasy."

Hey I will take a very talented voice actor any day, rather than some sort of nerd pandering, like if they had hired Olivia Munn or someone like that :-)

"Neverwinter gains the distinction of being the first city in D&D's history to have a sourcebook devoted only to it."

I will most likely be able to hold off on Borderlands 2, but sadly not skyrim, I am that games bitch. Simple as that

Also the basterd had been in the army, so know at least something about handling firearms. Now how he got them is another matter, scandinavian countries have very strict gun laws.

"Indeed, yesterday's shooting rampage targeted a youth camp where children of Norway's current ruling party were vacationing."

Yeah well the movies dont really do the books justice, because they have to cram so much stuff into too short a time, even if they split the second movie.

What is this, a polite discussion of grammar, on the internet?!

My god it all makes sense now, Pedobear IS the Doctor!

Well, maybe they should take a good hard look at how they run things, as I have heard around the web (it is from the internet so it is absolute truth!), it is the same guys at the top as in the old days on games like Final Fantasy. It would explain why number 13 was so abyssamal. Maybe they need to let some younger

Yeah well Mass Effect is little more than a shooter with light RPG elements thrown in. I think the decline of the actual RPG elements in Biowares game is a result of the hard-on they have for consoles; "Do you want to play Dragonage 2 on pc, but feels it controls better with a gamepad? Well screw you, we dont support

Dragon Age 2 felt very much like EA trying to make an rpg franchise that they can churn out, the way they do sports games. Look forward to Dragon Age 2013 and Mass Effect 2014 ;-(