Personally I think the new stuff is primarily sacrilege. I do find it entertaining nonetheless.
Personally I think the new stuff is primarily sacrilege. I do find it entertaining nonetheless.
Lexus, hire this man ASAP.
Jeez, the Initial D tax isn't even that heavy on this one. If I had a little more cash in the bank this would be a total impulse buy.
Forget the J car, get this K car instead.
If anything the convertible is the worse aspect. Then people will be able to see that you're driving a Sunbird.
I can't help but wonder if there really was a Captain Obvious in the Army now... I'm sure he got promoted to Major shortly thereafter based on pure awesomeness.
I wrote an article on Oppo discussing this same issue.
I really hope everyone does read it, because I would not get along with this kid, and I think he's making the wrong argument on behalf of those who actually *gasp* enjoy driving.
I'll make this into a more digestible YouTube video if there's enough interest in…