A man can have his lips chewed off fully on screen, but better make sure to blur the butts in a classic painting.
A man can have his lips chewed off fully on screen, but better make sure to blur the butts in a classic painting.
And, natch, Chilton’s lips are carefully wrapped and mailed to Hannibal, who (it’s implied) gobbles one
Yeah, let’s just say that there is a certain movie (and it’s sequel) I likely won’t ever watch because it is too disgusting to even contemplate. The title includes the words ‘human’ and ‘centipede’. :)
Halloween 3 really is an underrated horror movie.
Any movie made buy David Cronenberg has a lot of revolting imagery, particularly The Fly.
This is a show that needs front page io9 coverage. It is indeed a fantasy show, whether there is “magic” or not.
I’m so happy the io9 family seems to embracing Hannibal this season. It really is a truly extraordinary show.
I find it interesting your post is hidden, but much less-liked posts which applaud Tom for having a shitty opinion are featured.
but it told sansa something she didn't know. Yes we knew all the crazy stuff he has done but all the knew was that he was a dick at dinner.
It did advance the plot line, everyone was too up in arms pearl clutching about Sansa, that they missed the facial gestures of Theon overcoming his Stockholm Syndrome for a future plot point... But no one cares about that, apparently.
Ramsey had been somewhat polite and nice to Sansa every time they talked with each other before the rape. It was a little weird and uncomfortable when he made Theon apologize to her, but he didn’t assault anyone. So unless you’re a fortune teller or you work on the show, there’s no way you could have know for sure how…
Maybe I’ll be in the minority, but I actually thought it was great. Definitely can see Supergirl in the same universe as Arrow/Flash Really hope that happens.
Sort of. Nothing "seemed" to happen, but Scully and Mulder know the truth, even if no one else does.
(Because today is Supernumerary Spams Morning Spoilers Day, apparently.)
That's one of the things that made Ebert so legendary- he looked for the universal traits of good cinema (good acting, good storytelling, good characterization, etc) and he judged films based on their ability to capture those, regardless of (and sometimes in addition to) whatever genre wierdness they may or may not…
I refuse to believe that.
There are 136 replies to this. Please tell me that I'm not the only one suggesting that we maybe act like human beings and not make fun of a 20 year old kid who had something hideously embarrassing happen to him on television? Maybe? Just this once?
Ridiculous. Nobody walks in LA.