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I'd pay good money for 80's businesswoman Mabel or Questiony the Question Mark

Needs more Gravity Falls.

I think the first season of Legend of Korra would have felt a lot better if it was a full 23-25 episode season. Have the introduction/pro bending story arc take place over the first half (with the anti-bending movement popping up here and there while becoming more and more prominent) and have the full blown

Pretty sure Sylveon's going to be the fairy type evolution for Eevee.

My favorite Civ V moment is still when Catherine the Great contacted me out of the blue and demanded I give her all my horses.

I think Pixar movies started counting as Disney movies when Disney bought them out.

Deadpool also comes out on the PC on Tuesday for $40.

My favorite guild name was one I saw in WoW shortly before I quit called "NO DADDY NOT TEH BELT"

Considering kinect is now mandatory, I don't really think it matters to anyone if kinect improves the experience or not.

She's 19

So who else thinks they should have done a Pikachu 3DS and a Raichu 3DS XL?

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But do they know such classic lightsaber techniques as "Aim like a Drunkard" or "Jump like an Idiot"?

There was a time, back in ye olden day, when Batman had absolutely no qualms with using guns or killing the villain of the week.

I smell a photoshop contest....

That's it exactly. He's the only character in the original trilogy who actually looks cooler than Vader.

I thought Mr. Coffee toilets just turned your piss into drinking water.

That was always such a catchy song and such a cool music video.

It's apparently a scene from that old Ridley Scott movie, Legend.

Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.

Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.