Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.
Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.
Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.
Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.
Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.
Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.
Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.
Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.
Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.
Why's that first shirt have a bald space marine on it? I thought we were over those.
I had to flip a coin to choose between the Song of Storms from Ocarina of Time and the Ocean Theme from Wind Waker, and the Ocean Theme won out. To me (and I'm sure many others) this is just some fantastic adventuring music. It's the sort of music you'd play over a montage of someone sailing along at top speed into…
It really is.
So who else can't hear Pokemon Rainbow without thinking of a pokemon version of the Reading Rainbow theme?
It's like that old EA Sports saying goes: Get the fuck outta my building!
So far the only examples you've given are new evolutions for first gen pokemon that already looked really stupid. As far as pokemon simply evolving into bigger, fatter versions of what they already were, they've been doing that since day one (Grimer to Muk, Mankey to Primeape, Tentacool to Tentacruel, etc.). None of…
I'd personally like to see a generation where none of the starters evolve into a part fighting type (it's been 12-13 years since a generation with no part-fighting starters), but I do like the idea of the double rock/paper/scissors triangle that you get by using both fire/water/grass and psychic/dark/fighting.
Because Lickitung looked so awesome to begin with, right? Also, I'd say Scizor, Electivire, Magmortar, Crobat, Steelix, Kingdra, and all of the post-Gen 1 Eevee evolutions were all perfectly acceptable "retcon evolutions."