
There was a thread on the XDA developer forum where a guy tracked when he got the notices. He found that if he used a gigabyte in like the first week, he would get a notice,whereas if he used very little data in the first week or so but then more the week after he would have to use 2gb to get a notice. I'm filling in

cool post =)

I'm more wary of people in new cars because chances are they crashed their old car =P

Hyperbole seems to be an internet craze. I hadn't noticed the 'I feel like' trend, but we've been bombarded with the 'own your criticism' dogma as part of political correctness for the last decade. So it isn't that surprising.


I imagine the electricity will still be produced by a turbine engine.

It's effectively a shortcut for charging users on a pay as you go basis, but shifting the burden to the content providers. Very sneaky.

10 to 1 odds that 'spirit fingers' were used whilst pitching the slogan 'witness the chickness'.

#2, right there with you. #1, If I'm walking the same direction as the woman, and faster than her I'd switch to the other side of the street, but asking me to cross a street every time there is an approaching woman seems a bit much. Make extra room? Absolutely. But under normal circumstances I'm not going to cross

eh, that quantum locking technique is the most promising. Theres even a video floating around of someone 'riding' the board on a set track at some university. Way cooler mang!

Well there are several things that weird me out from the get go, and I'm a guy.

It was once explained to me by an army brat raised in Japan that a husband forfeiting all money to his wife was a symbol of a husbands commitment. In a sense he can't get anything going on the side if his wife gives him an allowance that only allows him to get to and from work. I, of course, have no idea if this is

The "talk to the hand" at :05 is priceless.

I was trying to come up with an active background of a similar animation for my phone. Couldn't ever find a high enough definition version worth using though.

Yet it does. These communities are very productive but they also aren't concerned about lawsuits, or caring if you brick your phone since, you know, they don't provide warranties. They're also almost entirely developers so they skip the whole bureaucratic mess that comes with middle management, and 'planning'.

If I had to deal with all the pedantic wastes of space that troll these discussions I would be an ass too, lol.

I guess Sim City wasn't enough.

I remember reading that these 'tribes' if you can call them that lived in very small multi-family groups. It's speculated that members, specifically children would be handed/traded off to other groups to insure a little variety, and that everyone isn't sexing up a first cousin. No reason this couldn't have happened

That's going to be awesome when the suction cup falls off because of the jiz/lime residue on the wall and your toothbrush which appears to be hanging out visibly touches the jiz/lime residue on the shower floor.

Suppose its still preferable to anal probing.