Thank you internet pedant!
Thank you internet pedant!
I watched this as an early adolescent and thought it was amazing, and then at the end the story does a 360 into fantasy land and I was so pissed!
lol @ first world problems.
This was my concern. I'm also curious what replacement costs are in comparison to fuel costs for the army.
Well manicured Beard Man, I salute you!
I don't know why you're taking this personally, I was quoting the article. Who cares about trucks. We're talking about nuclear reactors. Nuclear bombs? Again, nuclear reactors. Quite a bit has changed since the 70s for nuclear reactors. For example the fukushima daiichi plant that had all of the out of date design…
The point I was trying to make was that nuclear installations in the U.S would be from 1970's or earlier so when the article describes them as like, it seems misleading. I'd prefer that north korea have no nuclear capability at all. However, they do so I'll settle with it being safe.
Well, they had an interesting choice of words 'so advanced it could easily be in the United States', but last I checked the last Nuclear Powerplant built in the states started in the late 1970s. Advanced indeed!
Pft, what a big baby!
Yo, they shoulda had a trace busta busta, yo!
LOL, and disgusting.
le pr0n!
I'm not current on advances in HIV testing but it used to take 4-6 months after being infected to start testing positive on an HIV test. Meaning you get HIV, 3 months later you die and donate and organ(it tests clean), 4-6 months later that person tests positive for HIV.
This reminds me of an article a new paper did on 'Grunge Music Culture', where they called up a record label and asked for 'Grunge lingo'. The person who answered the phone thought it was hilarious, and proceeded to make up a bunch of sh*t which eventually got printed.
I don't think its a coincidence that it happens so close to that date. It was probably delayed.
The big circle would be orbital path of the moon around the earth. Notice the green moving text, that's the moon.
I was just thinking about her at lunch today. I'm a big fan of her earthsea cycle. I make sure to read 'Tales of earthsea' every Summer when the weather turns nice, and I can sit in the park an enjoy 'nature'.
The french were enraged that Gadaffi might retreat mimicking a strong french tradition . Since military maneuvers cannot be patented they quickly moved to protect their IP, with le guns.
The bottom line is how the display looks not the number of sub-pixels or whatever epeenery people are spouting these days. Really people, pentile does not automatically equal bad.