
I heard they're going to hack the gibson.

Hydrogen and oxygen are natural by-products (to use an over-simplified term) of a hot "young star" - Now you're just talkin' dirty. Gets gross with that late-generation stuff though.

I can't tell if you're joking. You'd just have to remember that you have external storage and more or less a table of contents of what it includes.

Do want external memory!

You'll probably still get mugged, and your mugger will be pissed.

I've never known a guy that would use gold bond on his junk that wasn't doing it for the sensation. I suppose the guys doing it for fun might just be more talkative about it.

There are very strict laws about venting water since the Columbia River in particular is essential habitat for migrating salmon. In short they can only let so much go, and this year the snowpack was extremely large. There was more snow when the resorts closed down in mid May than there was in Dec.

geiko, you're not picking up what we're puting down. The stuff you see isn't necesarily the issue. Those organisms are fungus and secrete enzymes into whatever they grow on. the enzymes break down the food so the fungus can absorb it. Along with these enzymes are toxins are also secreted. These are what get you sick.

Then don't hand them your phone. Show it to them but don't let go of the device. handing your phone with a picture up is the same as handing a stack of photos in my opinion.

pilosopher_dog, Where did you come up with this? That scientific american article does not mention anything about oral hygiene.

The lowest base jumps ever completed were from roughly 100 feett. Those of you thinking that a parachute would save you are nuts. There is no such thing as being 'safe' when you're flying something that doesn't utilize anti-gravity, or isn't glide capable between heights of 5 feet to over 200feet. Even 200ft would

Kind of catch 22. To use a parachute you'd need a couple hundred feet off the ground. If you're a couple hundred feet off the ground, it has to have a certain degree of stability.

I find your lack of animated gif, disturbing.

Our brains allow us to filter through an entire room of chatty people to listen to what we want to listen. Our eyes on the other hand have no way to filter bright lights and allow us to focus. It is very, very disruptive. As for your self centered comment. The center of entertainment is the theater. Otherwise you

A room connected to the queens chamber. My work is done here.

Theres a sign near my house in rural middle of no where Oregon.

Beyond shaky cam, 3d forces directors to take a more fluid approach to action. Bay's scenes are normally cut-heavy to the point where the action can be difficult to follow. This style of direction doesn't work with 3d, so he's probably had to adapt, and I imagine we're all better off for it.

Did you read the giz article about turbine prototype cars back in the 60's and 70's? They were attempting to physically drive the car instead of generate electricity though, which is why they didn't catch on. It's unfortunate that no one had the foresight to combine electrical motors and the turbine engine back then.

I wonder what that would do to your lifespan with your heart having to work that much harder to pump blood.