
If you have to ask... You'll never know...

Well, obviously a pot party isn't going to devolve the way a booze-fueled bacchanal will. But isn't that the point of booze-fueled bacchanals? Isn't it the whole point that it is going to devolve into madness — to just strip it all away, until we are nothing but a seething, throbbing mass of primal id?

I feel like you're throwing shade, Henry. But your screen name suggests we might actually get along swimmingly.

Don't get me wrong. I got those buddies too. But they tend to roll joints and save their money for the bar... and other drugs — ones that don't result in half an hour of deeply antisocial introspection, followed by binge eating, followed by leaving the party because who wants to talk to chicks anyway.

I guess I just don't get it. Pot's fun now and again, but if I were to pay $280 for this thing, I'd feel like all the dudes I grew up with who never made it out of the home town and now live in some dingy apartment off the freeway, Scarface posters tacked to the wall, with all their uber-expensive, ice-catching,

Hey Duders. I'm colorblind, so maybe that's my bad. But doggone, these colors you've chosen seem preeeeetttayyy, prettttayyyy similar. Maybe next time, you know, switch it up a bit more?

Is Glenn Beck OK with the Wizard of Oz? I thought that would be, like, witchcraft, devil, no, no, naughty, evilness, or something...

Some people are just grumps, man.

I'm glad you brought up the strength differential. Please don't see me as some MRA trying to twist your words when I follow this up with this:

I have to say, I immediately thought, "Jeez! Is she saying all Asians look alike." Not that I think the author is racist. I think it's an easy enough mistake to make if you aren't Korean, Japanese, Chinese, etc... As a white person I see the grouping of white women and I can tell them all apart, even though they have