Yeah, $4 for eggs is what the rubes pay.
Yeah, $4 for eggs is what the rubes pay.
That's the model of Leatherman I have (think off a sale tip from LH, in fact.) I used it twice the first week it arrived. I always have it handy and it is aces and I love it.
I would agree with you, if it didn't try to load a random article for me when I'm in an area with limited data or time before I lose signal again. That's a neat feature for desktop, not mobile where I'm trying to get to my objective in an environment that's not conducive to multitasking.
Essential for anybody who lives in an apartment far from parks that permit one to grill.
(10% x 3) + 5% + 1% would probably be easiest. Just move that decimal over in your head to make easy 10% and 1%, then double or halve to get close to your ideal number. If it's above 50%, you'll have an easier time subtracting the remaining percentage than adding up the larger one.
Yeah, they can be rendered into any format fairly fast. I do buy a bunch when they're on sale, though, and freeze them in various cuts so I have them handy in bulk at a lower price per lb. And onions are so cheap buying them frozen doesn't make sense to me. I can freeze my own onions in bulk for like 1/8th of the…
Or a link to Hyrule between player and game. An avatar by any other name would still be the bearer of my fondest '80s gaming memories.
Lifehacker, I love you, but I think you're staring over the fence into hoarder territory here.
Tags really transformed Pocket for me, and as a bonus, purified my Evernote so one is reading and the other is more work/reference.
Waited an hour for those stupid robots to show up, and when they finally did, they destroyed a small downtown area, nearly killed its populace, stuck a gun in the hero's face, and embarrassed him to his love interest. Then one did a breakdance. Screw those Autobots, and this iteration of the franchise.
In my experience, the people who pay well and value your time seldom ask for changes, or if they do, they're entirely reasonable in demand and timeframe. They know what they want and pay for it.
You could use the rubbing alcohol to extract an essential oil like orange peel to improve the smell? I'm sure there's a LH tutorial on it. Just skip the "boiling off the alcohol" step.
Apart from keeping out the dust, those of us with small kitchens and stoves without hoods like that the doors keep that patina of grease from settling on everything.
I went there once just to see if I should get a memberhsip and about five employees basically blocked me from even seeing what they were all about.
I beat Battletoads with the Game Genie, but yeah, that was next to impossible. (you could also find a bunch of hidden endings if you tinkered with the codes.)
I don't. I use the full version now. But I had to switch defaults on stuff like that and for many of them I'm still sitting on bunch of native apps I can't uninstall that take up space.
Microsoft recommends making a save point and you can back up basically your own install disc.
It used to be instant. Now it lags for a 10-second search and returns a bunch of log files instead of the document or MP3 I was looking for.
I got it because my company was offering Office Suite at an insanely low price. Once I bought that I found out it wouldn't work with Vista. But I got 8 at a tolerable price, and I was very happy with how fast it booted (Never wanted to go from XP to Vista, and couldn't tolerate the 20 minutes it took to boot up or 10…
Yeah, I was kind of hoping it had a daily limit — "Nope! Sorry, you've already reddited today, get back to writing."