
So do you play as the guy with the tribal tattoos? Or do you make you own character?

If anyone has been following MvC3 news they probably knew these two would be announced.

From what I saw of the trailer, I personally wouldn't like it.

@Darigaazrgb: Well I don't know any rapists or serial killers

Playing video games a hobby of mine. It's one of my favorite things to do. But it's not what defines me. I don't know anyone who can be defined by what they do in their free-time.

Ahhh, Bayonetta. Such a great game after you sit through the cheesy opening.

@Epifante: I have a feeling we won't see Megaman.

Saw this on SRK a while ago. I think it's awesome. Too bad he doesn't look that great as a character. Gonna try him, but from what I seen from he looks "meh" in battle.

So are we going to see a dark and gritty Peter rather than a wise cracking one? hope not.

Makes me feel better that Batman doesn't have Cata yet either.

@JPS: she still has more protection than some of the male character in Soul Calibur.

Someone doesn't know how to make a woman attractive while in practical attire.

@resvrgam: Awwww I wanted to post a picture of Hilde

@Sabbatai: I like her voice. I actually prefer it over the male Shepard's voice.

Scientist Salarian was something I didn't see coming in conversation with Mordin in ME2 and it was a pleasure hearing it.

@NumberFourtyThree: actually it was much worse, a few kids died. flaming soccar balls...not pretty. Damn, I miss Shaun.

That's pretty much how it was when I played in grade-school