
There's one for damn near everything, even the Jeffersons.


I have 2 Sheps, one male one female. I like my femshep more. I like Hale's voice acting a lot more, personally.

This stuff is always good news. Props to ClockW0rk.

She is my favorite cosplayer. She's really dedicated to it and it shows in her work.

I know that the DLC character will be in the PS Vita version when it comes out. Perhaps Capcom made a deal with Sony for Vita "exclusives" but just kept the characters on disc to make things easier for themselves done the road and make them DLC to release around the time the Vita comes out. Not trying to justify it,

No you cannot.

This needs to be done!

I'm not asking for a sequel to TWEWY, but I wouldn't mind if there was one.

I didn't at all like the first Saint's Row. I borrowed a copy of Saint's Row 2 and had some good fun with it. And I'm am really looking forward to play SR3. It look's as fun as barrel of monkeys spilling into a bacon factory run by a glitter covered unicorn wearing leather chaps.

I really did enjoy COD4 but now the Call of Duty games are stale and boring to me. If you like the games fine. I'm not a fan, I'm sure if I bought it I'd have a few good times but there are just many many things I'd rather play. What I hate are fanboys/girls that can't admit flaws, not just COD fanboys/girls but all

GOD! This game looks like a blast!

I liked reading this. None of those issues seem like they make the game bad. Yeah, the level 5 pipe is silly, and a being able to drown or being seeing a big zombie charge through beach chairs would add to the atmosphere. But I think I can look past those things and still look forward to playing it.

It's hard to believe that I sat through that entire movie.

I am very excited to SCV. SCIV was a bit of a disappointment for me but I hope they go all out with this one. But I'm not sure how I feel about super moves in the game, they can add excitement and depth to the game or be a disappointing change.

I would rather create my own character rather than choose from the three they provided. That being said I'm still looking forward to this. I am a bit confused though, do you wear the "fan" costume and get some of the power of the character the outfit is based on? Because to me that seems a little silly unless some

Count me in!

Is it wrong that I want to play this game?

And to think just a few days ago I told myself I wasn't excited for this game.

love that video