
@walls99: Luckily NDA has been lifted so I can answer everything.

@walls99: I am in beta and yes, 30 is the level cap.

@fdisk: yeah, but there really should have been more options to start with.

@walls99: Most people hit 30 in just a couple of weeks. So there isn't really a grind.

@zslane: I agree that somethinh like and auction system isn't needed in a super hero mmo, much less a DC mmo. You never think of Superman bidding of a pair of boots Wonder Woman found on a thug in Metropolis.

@sandorasbox: I'm happy that it is going to be different. If played like other SMT games I'd know exactly what to expect out of it (in terms of gameplay).

@madbassman39: I've heard of issue (none specific) that didn't allow for the PS3 beta to start on time.

Saw this coming. It's nice to see a newer Street Fighter in the mix, but I never really like C.Viper much.

My first time reading the word "dildos" on kotaku.

That's awesome

In the AtheneWins videos, that's not how he really acts.

There are turn based strategy mmos out there. One is called Dofus (really) which I played for a little while. And to my knowledge Atlantica Online is as well, but I've never played it.

@SparkyPantsMcGee: I think that it's supposed to be released at the same time as it is on the PC

I'm optimistic about this game coming getting to the US.

When I played through RPGs (especially JRPGs) I want to do everything before I finish it. Not exactly 100% all the time, mostly just beating the the extra dungeons/bosses/ and get the best gear.

@tuesday: 'bout time he got a promotion

@someone_else: I'm glad you put that up there because I didn't know about those statistics.

@kyleshark: I agree. I mean, don't get me wrong I love boobies. But the size of breasts are often ridiculous. Like how Ayane is the youngest in DOA but has the second largest chest...

That's awful.