
my first reaction: "that's insane! Way to stand your ground, Sony!"

The whole "explanatory" Facebook backstory? Such a massive heap of bullshit that I can smell it over the miles and miles of Lancaster Co horseshit, all the way here in Philly. I can smell it even over the stink of the Eagles last night!

Wait, do you mean "Rush"—Formula-1 race car movie? Because that was delicious!

Just home from an afternoon spent at a 2 year old's birthday party, held at a local toddler-friendly "kid gymnasium" (ball pit, ramps, net climbs, etc), where my own 2-year-old and 565764465 others ran amok/screamed "uppy!" and treated us parents like goddamn Grand Canyon pack mules...

And here, it needs to be said: NICU NURSES, YOU ARE ANGELS. My son, born 32 weeks at 3 lbs 3 oz, spent 5 weeks in the NICU, and those nurses were so knowledgable, so patient, so empathetic, so *loving* son was in amazing hands, and I will never stop being grateful.

I love all things shiny!

I'd like to further note: "sexual misadventure and impropriety" is farting in bed.

After hearing about the double standing ovation the other day, I wondered, "at this very moment, who would think that is an appropriate display?! I mean, I know people seem to really enjoy this person's past performances, but 10+ rape accusations INUNDATING the news, who is on their feet applauding?!"

THIS! I'm reminded of e!'s True Hollywood Story: The Curse of the Lottery. It wasn't so much a "curse" that befell people, but a larger sum of money than the person(s) had even conceived of just dropping in their lap. So much so, that it seemed at the time like it could be stretched a lot farther/longer than

I completely agree. And in regards to her claim that her daughter "begged" her to wear said pjs? I'm doubting she also begged her to tweet/Instagram the whole thing. Smelled like a body-related humble brag to me...and I like Bethenny!

"So wait she was down with it?"

it's right at the end...right before Phyllis & daughter cross the log during the wilderness challenge—Shelley long says something like, "And you know what really frosts my cookies?! That we've worked so hard, and come so far..." Etc

I have to pay that compliment forward (/backwards?) to this amazing little movie known as Troop Beverly Hills :)

Absolutely fair enough. Duly noted!

The "Glasgowman" one on my DVR? I'm not even sure I can...not now, maybe not ever?

the comment that, throughout pregnancy, really frosted my cookies was, "ha ha, are you SURE you're not having twins?"

"liberating" is the perfect word—that, plus the amping-up of the excitement for The Big Meet & Greet, I couldn't have given a rats ass about the bulging and dimpling and jiggling...I honestly was in such a state, I was rocking a bikini when NOW (non pregnant and many lbs lighter) there is NOT A CHANCE!

I will say this: splashing/dead-man-floating around in my skivvies during my 3rd trimester was the happiest/most comfortable I'd been in a looooong time. There are photos—I was on my last big vacay, pre-kids, in Italy—and I looked BIG in a bikini, but smiling like I was having the time of my life. I was!


but I do concede your point about the national chapter's attention!