
Maybe they were shitty tippers because 9/10 times that they go out to eat, they get shitty service from asshole waiters like you. Did you ever consider that? Stereotypes work both ways. At least the shitty tippers weren't punishing you in advance for your shitty service.

The point I was making is that you offered them crappier service than you showed their rich white counterparts yet expected to be tipped as though they'd received premium service. If the shoe were on the other foot and you were the one sitting at that table, would you give the higher tip to the waiter person who

"I will admit that I did give rich white American people better service only because I was being tipped poorly by Europeans and black people. Not everytime. Probably 9/10 times. I gave them the same level of service in the beginning."

"Ugh, it is not normal to constantly demand to see a manager. "

"Cops and store security can question anyone they suspect of wrongdoing."

"They" implies all or even most, it's coded and racist. Again, you are judging a whole race of people based on your experiences serving, when you've admitted that you didn't provided the same quality of service for Black customers as you did for white customers. Have you served Black people in general? No? Then how do

Of course you did, I'm not surprised. But just because a few Black people tipped you poorly doesn't mean all Black people were going to tip you poorly. You assumed that, and your quality of service lowered, and they probably noticed. Customers can see what you're doing most of the time, you know. Bad service bad tips.

Apparently not, if you were tipped poorly. And if "very few" Black people dined there then why are you judging a whole race of people and our tipping habits based on your experiences with a few people. You've clearly demonstrated your bias and racism, so I'm not surprised that the Black people you served didn't tip

And what would that look be,pray tell? Because I am a 58 year old black woman who looks like she might use 'pray tell' in a sentence. As recently as last month I was forced to ask the floor clerk to please stop following me as it made me uncomfortable....her response 'if you aren't doing anything it shouldn't bother

It is if the service is terrible. You probably weren't very good at your job.

I hate the bad tipper stereotype. I waited tables for years and I got the worst tip I've ever had from a white couple and the best tip I've ever gotten from a black couple (I'm white if that makes a difference in this scenario but I don't think it did). There really wasn't much of a correlation between race and

Hotter than fish grease. That's a new one! Glad to have a funny colloquialism to take away from this sad discussion. I am really surprised they were so forward with people about it though, maybe the laws in New York are different but I have also worked in shops and had people walk out with full bags from dressing

Beacon- do you understand that by singling out one group of people you are, in effect, excluding everyone else from the pool? If Macy's is unjustly targeting black shoppers then it stands to reason that any stats are going to be unjustly skewed against blacks, too, because people who are not black would be excluded

Oh look, a racist troll! I was wondering when you were going to show up.

There's constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure, too.

Is it a lot of effort to be a racist or does it just come naturally to you?

If the majority of people who are searched are black, then the majority of people who are caught will be black. That's not a representative sample.

Yeesh, calm down. Don't dismember me and fap on my remains. I know how you people are.

The vast majority of serial killers and spree killers are pissed-off white men with no discernible talent. I assume you're okay with extra scrutiny based on that. Hey, stereotypes exist for a reason, bro.

Exactly. About 20 years ago my late brother and his friend went Christmas shopping at a Stroud's that was located in Santa Monica, California. According to them, the instant they entered the store they had no les than store personnel following them around no more than ten feet or so away. My brother and his friend