
I've seen that display first-hand, and I can tell you without hesitation that it is disgusting. Vile. Far below even the lowest standards of decency.

I mean, the fake blood contains corn syrup, the surgical tubing is *not* recyclable, and the pumpkins aren't even artisanally-grown!

Unfit for Brooklyn indeed.

I didn't mention the sheriff so I'm not sure why you are. I think we're done here.

Okay, that's fine. I passed the bar. I think we're done here. Bye.

Especially an engineering student. He probably comes off as quite smart and educated, if you're not a racist store clerk who can't get past the color of his skin.

Irrelevant. Why are you compelled to worry about how a young man is spending his own money? That he earned? That is not yours?

I've started calling it "freeze peach" when people misinterpret it like that.

Attention Whore seeks attention.

Then he just sat back and waited for the hot crotch to roll in.

Not to mention the fact that many of people his age tend to have a lot of expendable income while in college. Some of my students will blow their entire student loan at the beginning of the semester on a car or a fancy computer...hell, a lot of them live a much nicer lifestyle than I do! They may get into trouble

Who gives a fuck what he bought with HIS money? Funny how people are so blasé about judging what non-white people should or shouldn't be using THEIR OWN FUCKING MONEY for. This man legally bought an item for sale in a store. Period. End of story. No further speculation is necessary about how he spends his money.

An attractive college student buying a single luxury fashion accessory is about the least suspicious thing in the world.


Ignorance doesn't make it not racist.

I'm going to answer this. Because it's fun. "Women need to stop spreading their legs like peanut butter or rape is going to keep happening 'til the cows come home."

The uproar I am seeing is mostly about the way the media is handling the case, and the fact that the other, potentially "adopted" or abducted children are nowhere to be seen. Where is their picture, where is the outcry for their reunification with their real parents?

I won't get into the rest of your comment because I don't want to but just FYI a big problem with your "keeping kids out of free school" argument includes that even if school is "free" (aka public) parents still typically need to prove residency in a certain district to get their kids enrolled (at least this is how I

I have not looked into the cases at all, and I was not making a judgement on the guilt of any of the accused rapists. However, any time a campus police officer tells a rape victim, "Women need to stop spreading their legs like peanut butter or rape is going to keep happening 'til the cows come home" I can confidently

Consider how you would feel if someone had concerns about the welfare of your current/future children: for example, someone might claim to be concerned about the welfare of children being raised by someone they considered a racist psycho. Consider how that affects your "take children away whenever you're concerned for

As an actual Roma person I'm going to chime in and say a lot of the people saying stuff about "nomadic lifestyles" or "traveler culture" are talking out of their asses, as Romani people are mostly settled now, and are not culturally nomadic- Romani were forced to be nomadic due to racism, slavery, and historic "gypsy

A) On many campuses, dialing 911 gets you the campus cops.