
I can’t say much ‘cause, while I may not know who Tsoni is, I have watched a few of Shadbase’s recent creative streams.

It’s that, “oohhh god, I’m going to enjoy this,” look of reverence on Tracers face that really sells it.


Sorry for the slightly off topic response but I gotta say, that top image is the most expressive I have ever seen Kojima be.

Ya know, at first when I heard about this I was fairly hopeful for the possibility of adding some organization and legitimacy that most esports seem in desperate need of.
But after reading some of what they said - particularly the parallels between them and FIFA and CS: GO’s fairly colourful history when it comes to

Which, given the context of the article, is mainly the problem. That said, I totally agree. Was telling a few others how there’s still one stream I take part in for that exact reason.
The problem is that the biggest percentage of twitch viewers are in those first 20 or so titles and most of those are cancerous. It’s

Which is why Lab Zero’s streams of their Indivisible pre-production is the only stream I actively take part in. It’s a small group of fans and it stays pretty friendly and enthusiastic.
That and Maximilian Dood’s stream tends to be fairly good but that ones too busy to add to.

That’s why I made the suggestions that I did.

Actually, the Bob Ross stream is a good example! Even I watch that stream. But the difference there is it’s all pretty innocent and benign. It’s a bit of a rarity amongst most streams.


I’m enjoying their videos but the streams are sorta hit-and-miss. Still, I try to tune in when I can, still want to support them.

How DARE you?!

That’s awesome! Good on IGN!

I’ve talked to a few people who say they love twitch ‘cause of the chat.
Any time I look at it it’s either going too fast to follow or it’s just memes and emotes. What on earth is there to say or do in the middle of all that?
I hide the chat on every stream I watch (save for one) because what could I possibly miss by

‘Tis the joys of the modern age; where everyone has a voice and use it as often as they can.

I understand and totally agree with his sentiment. Just...yeah, when dealing with any form of the general public, which includes all kinds (even the dumb ones) you gotta practice a little tact. Possibly also a more detailed explanation, which he gave to Luke when they spoke.
That said, people also need to chill and

This is why when somebody comes at me with some bullshit, passive aggressive, backhanded remark about a comment I made on an article I usually just point out that they’re being petty and tell them I’m not going to bother arguing with them for the sole sake of conflict and move on with my life.

Woooww, please allow her to design as many of Blizzards characters as possible!
Heck, I’d be happy with a line of Emily Chen Heroes and/or Overwatch skins.

Sisters was the army I wanted to start when I began working there but I kept expecting/hoping they’d eventually update the models. Even had the paint scheme already worked out.
I also never painted on my own time since I usually did a ton every day at work; mostly on work projects so I wasn’t able to put as much time

In the 3 years I was part of GW I had 3 armies and never finished completely painting more than a handful of models of each. In the end I mostly did showpieces.