
Wow, that’s...such a terrible analogy. I tried to think of a way to make it more accurate but by the end of it I realized it was a whole new analogy.
Like...are we assuming it’s a job that’s really fun and these people are choosing to continue going to it when they have countless other choices with little to no risk

I think you’re replying to the wrong person.

Disagreement and criticism is fine but any attempts to strong arm or publicly shame those on the other side of the fence is far from acceptable, regardless.
Just look at the article. Person makes the common point, “Don’t like it? Don’t use it,” and the response back was a straight up shot at the persons character.

Or if you don’t care/DO like it make sure nobody fucking knows otherwise you will be mobbed and publicly shamed relentlessly.

Hey, no problem with that! Only way that’s hypocrisy is if you then complain about how terrible the Story mode is :D


Ha ha ha! Aahh, that was entertaining.

Yeah, see, and then there’s complaining about aspects of a game while still acknowledging that overall the game is still good and fun to play. I’m all for Occam’s Razor-ing the shit out of a lot of situations but translating one or two general and barely definable complaints into a game being complete shit is

Absolutely! I just find a lot of those that bitch are some of the most hardcore players of whatever game they’re criticizing. Clearly, the developers are doing something right already.
This is why I would love to be a PR person for a gaming company. I just know I wouldn’t have the job for very long...

Ha! Ahh, that last image. Classic. Gamer hypocrisy is primarily why Bungie, Activision, Blizzard and a few others will continue to thrive despite the so-called hate they receive every day.

Kinda seems like some people here haven’t actually played much of any SF5 and yet keep talking as though they have.

Oookkaay, the fact you keep calling it an infinite just shows how poor your understanding is so I’m not going to bother arguing with you and go about my day.

Nah, that’s more what FChamp does and everyone knows he plays it up. But I’ve witnessed Chris walk off after losing and bitch to his friends on the sidelines for half an hour about how terrible the other guy was on more than one occasion. Then he goes and legitimately talks trash about another player before promptly

It’s a ton of inputs and still requires a lot to time consistently. Plus, he caught him with the reset and grabbed him for the stun. That and any kind of runback like that is never easy.

I really dislike ChrisG. He’s one mighty douche. Acts too much like he’s king shit and can’t take losses like a man.

Few times now I’ve swapped off of whatever hero I’m playing to one that can more easily deal with Bastion. Take him out handily enough times they’ll try someone else and you can go back to who you were playing.
There’s a few good choices for dealing with him. Widowmaker is great for taking him out quickly and well

Alright, I never said they were free of all responsibility. You keep reading words that aren’t there so I’m moving on now. Have a good day.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. There’s no sense trying to make everyone happy, just as many as you can and accept that there will always be those who disagree.
On a side note, that’s quite the generalization you’ve got going there.

The point is that it’s no excuse. Secondly, even if they did all that and more to protect against hacking and cheating people out there will find a way to do it anyway. It’s the nature of technology these days. The problem isn’t how easy it is (because it IS too damn easy in DS3 right now) but that some people

More people need to read this!