
I was really hoping it'd be Craig Ferguson.

Now playing

Blazing Saddles campfire scene! When I think of the first time I saw this, I remember laughing, getting dizzy, my dad picking me up because I'd stopped breathing and passed out, and then continuing to laugh.

Now playing

Isn't the answer obvious? It's one better, after all.

Now playing

Monty Python's Meaning of Life - Mister Creosote

I don't think this needs any further explanation.

TV show I know, but I think its a show that goes "to far" yet does it right.

X-Files, Home.

Speed Racer. Underrated hyperactive masterpiece.

Dear people who dislike body grooming: Continue to not ever cut or shave a single hair on your body that you do not care to. Dear people who enjoy grooming your body: Continue to cut and shave as many hairs as you please.

Phil Connors in Groundhog Day did a good job of it.

Viktor on Dollhouse, went from Russian Gangster Mook Guy to someone far more intriguing.

Crowley. Absolutely. Pretty sure he's going to get awful again, though; I have a feeling.

I didn't much care for Donna in that first Christmas episode. I thought she was (sympathetically) irritating and when I heard she was coming back I was all groan-y. But watching how they developed her character, she became one of my favorites in the Doctor Who universe.

It's just well, they all seemed so happy for a bit there. I mean maybe we should have started with coffee first, but fortune favours the bold you know.

I think we can all agree that the scheme doesn't matter as long as this guy is running it...