
I'm extremely uncomfortable at the lady doctor - I say so up front and ask the dr and nurse to tell me what they are doing before they do it. A running commentary of "now I'm going to do ____ so that I can check ____" has helped me countless times. In fact, last time I went, I was so not scared I forgot to do this.

Yup. Didn't find it. I agree, Netflix fail. Still, they keep me in comfort watching, so I'll forgive.

Mark, I've quickly become a fan of your posts. When I thought about today being a holiday, I almost didn't check Jezebel today. Then I remembered you da man (that phrase is so old, can it come back around again?) on the holidays and checked in. Thanks for the fun!

does anyone know where to find this? I'm searching netflix now, and the episodes for this show are all 20+ minutes...

I feel like he's been in pretty much everything I've ever seen since childhood. I thought he was older; I think his amazing voice always made him seem so commanding. Lovely actor, my heart goes out to his family.

The worst thing I did was unintentional and not within my control but still pretty shitty. At the stroke of midnight a few years ago, I turned to my husband and burst into tears. I told him that this had been the worst year of my entire life and that everything about it was horrible. I told him that nothing we had

I enjoy the blocking function. I've preemptively blocked all boss-types; I'm sort of hoping this way I'm just never on their radar. I did this after a (perfectly nice) boss person send a friend request. I've just ignored it for months, and neither of us has mentioned it. I don't post anything bad, but I just want

she called him Mr. Drummond!

Wow. Wish this guy was around in the mid 80s when I expressed interest in God and stuff and the CCD prick told me that dogs (and unbaptized babies) don't go to heaven. We even asked if the baby died in the car on the way to Church to be baptized if he would go to heaven (this was an imaginary son). Dick said no way

and the lady in the background of the Angelina pic is all, "no she didn't!"

Holy fuck. That would be awesome. Just giggled for a full minute, picturing my new superpower! Thanks - you win the internet today!

I'm in no place in my life to get a dog, but I've already named it, her female cat companion (also imaginary) and spent about an hour online last weekend looking at petfinder shelter dogs that match my fantasy. Clearly, this calls into question my decency as a current pet owner (old news), mother, wife, worker bee

I have matching nsmes for a phantom dog and cat - that I'm never getting.

Schools still teach all this. We only get the children in society for a fraction of their lives. Peers, the media and family get them the rest of the time. Please don't look at the education system and put the blame on us. Our plate is full with blame, and frankly we are stuffed.

Mid-90s - he owned light colored, stonewashed overalls that had a snug fit. Over his man bits. Oh, and he wore the one side unhooked. His family was from a different county, and he claimed this was the style there. Also, he was a native speaker of another language, and deliberately failed the entrance exam so he

just icky if he declares he only likes ONE body type, doesn't matter what it is (androgynous, big boobs, extra ear on the top of ones's clavicle, etc). I'm not saying people don't have preferences, of course we do! but it sounds like this guy walks around saying he only digs one body shape. That to me is usually a

One awful night when the flashbacks were too much, RAINN's online hotline got me through. Every year since, I donate to them whatever I can. I hope they helped you get through the night. Take it one day at a time.

that's just amazing. Definitely seize the day and the opportunity!

A therapist would help you. Probably, your mother would get pissed about any changes you might want to make, but this is about YOU. If you ever want to have a better relationships, or come to terms with what you have, I'd say seeing a therapist isn't a bad idea. It's not just "annoying." It's a big part of how you

Does he walk around saying he likes "androgynous" looking girls? If so, then eww. I don't care how cute that cartoon is, he's a jerk for just using that term. Otherwise if you're just assuming that, keep crushing on. Go for it, don't go for it, obsess over it for a little bit. You're 21!