

Well - as long as it doesn't reveal my raging nose picking habit...

Actually - they should refine and deploy these for life guard assistance at major beaches/lakes... they can be stationed in the water all day and help monitor swimmers. If the need arises they can move in faster than the Hof jumping out of his tower and running/swimming to the person in need. Of course, you'll still

I'm a little pissed now.. just got an email from Sonos: "New Sonos player for just $329 CAD"...

Why is that German soldier using a Thompson machine gun to shoot at Capt. America? And the other looks like he is shooting a 1911? What gives???!?!?! Oh wait.. I get it.. they are US spies shooting at someone behind the Capt. Whew.. I feel better now..

Yep. Just had a BBQ this past Saturday and moved my S5 outside for the tunes. Works great.. I just thought it would be nice to have permanently installed outdoor speakers so I don't have to bring my S5 out and setup on a table where it can get knocked over, spilled or rained on.

Be nice if they added and outdoor line-up of speakers as well.

in a previous post that used that photo - someone was actually able to name the actress, movie and even scene...

hahaha! Full point!

I wonder statistically - of the 3% watching prono - how many are male vs female? 90%?

Ditto here - stupid movie making me cry! Actually didn't finish watching it as I found it kind of boring.. maybe my expectations were too high because of all the hype.. I preferred the Incredible's movie.. hope they make another one.

got any left? cjohnrun at gmail

I've buggered about with free proxy services but always find there are random issues. And I'm too cheap to use a pay-for proxy service.

MaksIsBack have Sonos.

If this thing comes in at $500 - and doesn't weigh a ton - it will be pretty damn hard to resist buying one.... except for the Win7 part. Which I love on my desktop but not on a tablet.

CRAP! Does this mean my $200 iPad 2 will be on back order at

Ha! Excellent plan! Complete transparency...

With all the high profile hacking going on lately - I feel like its only a matter of time before my bank/email/pornsite memeberships/credit card/tax info is released to the internets.

I thought this looked familiar....

Surely the Engineers would have thought of the potential issues with a HDD in a tablet?