Great for a tablet but what about businesses? I don't spend much time playing with pics and video. What about manipulating Outlook, Word and more than 5 seconds of Excel? Or launching Netbeans and editing code while running a mysql in a VM?
Great for a tablet but what about businesses? I don't spend much time playing with pics and video. What about manipulating Outlook, Word and more than 5 seconds of Excel? Or launching Netbeans and editing code while running a mysql in a VM?
A raccoon having a fake orgasm.
@thirdchild: That's Bree Olsen?
I need to step away from my computer.. am I the only one who glanced at that initial pic and thought it was a cursor on a textured background?
@Wickyd: But seriously - does that really suck that you now have to buy an adapter to change the most commonly replaced piece of hardware in a computer? Or - get gouged by Apple and have them do it.
All I know is that I love that graphic.
maybe your wife was?
you're right.. add 30 seconds.. and now another 30 for this reply.
well there's 7 1/2 minutes of my life I'll never get back...
This would have been more entertaining if she was topless.
@...And i'm a Snake.: Hey - we're now paying $1.30 a litre in Canada so we are not far behind... but I think the main point really is, that we in North America have to commute much further distances than in Europe on average. I put over 55 km a day on my car getting to and from work. And that is considered a short…
@witeowl: Ask the North American Indians how that white-man-thing worked out... aw wait...
@espinha: Burn them all!
I'd just end up smacking my iPad with a broom.
Aren't those chips worthless outside of the game?
@KillerBee: I also KillerBee.
#1 Nice gams on that chick... I got to start watching CNN
I know you are an American website but it would be cool if you did a Canadian follow up to this. There's a lot of Canucks on LH.
That's odd - I work at a University and have noticed that around campus, on the buses, everywhere - today's 'youth' are walking around with headphones (iPod or not attached). These generations are jacked into music 24/7. When I was that age, I had a radio, cassette deck and a few vinyls.. my listening experience was…