
If I learned anything by watching all that disaster footage - its that if I live near any area with potential flooding: I am buying a Japanese car - they float real good!

@negitoro: I agree - Stars Wars ships were a bit more on the gloomy side.. but still impressive.

HAHAHAHA! Good one! Somebody promote this man!

Is his head cold?

@PrairieMoon: Eudora & Winamp? Seriously? Dude - its not 1998 anymore...

Holy Crap Chris - where did you grow up, rural Utah? Hope you're joking!

Does that one guy have tape on his head?

What about Facetiming your confession? But there would have to be an app that shrouds the faces... so never-mind...

Actually - all they need is the communication system if it is intact. They already managed to take control of drones in the past, they can probably do it again.

umm.. what about vibrations from the turbines... not an issue on a bridge?

Great post! Just got an ereader at xmas and had devil of a time getting pdfs to view on it.

2 things...


I still maintain the closest thing to Mordor on earth is Hamilton Ont.

@00000000: I'd give him an extra 2 for the hair-do alone.

@Aminpro: I mean on Telus...

Shoulda used Blackberries... on Verizon..

It seems a lot of people are making fun of this woman's looks.. but this is just a mug shot. Even Lindsay Lohan looks like a crack addled street whore in a mug.. er... umm.. nevermind.

awww c'mon... the kid will be a legend in his school now.

@Michael Scrip: Yeah - you got a good point there.. without the apps, the OS doesn't mean much.